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2/4 In-Power
Tuesday, February 4th, 20256:00 PM - 8:00 PM Women’s Center
In-Power is a student-led support group dedicated to building a gender-inclusive community that welcomes victim-survivors of sexual assault, stalking, and/or intimate partner violence at any point in their healing process. Through a focus on empowerment, autonomy, and resilience, the group aims to help participants claim agency over their own stories and experiences, as well as the direction of the group. We’ll be accomplishing this with a variety of discussion topics and self-care methods. If you are interested in joining the group, please reach out to facilitators at:
Contact Information: More
2/5 Workshop: Internship Authorization (CPT & Pre-OPT) Hartford
Workshop: Internship Authorization (CPT & Pre-OPT) Hartford
Wednesday, February 5th, 20259:30 AM - 10:30 AM Graduate Business Learning Center (Hartford)
This session is for F-1 students who will do an internship or work off-campus before graduating, or for students who have internships and clinical placements as part of your academic curriculum. All internships, work and placements off-campus must be authorized through Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Pre-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), even if unpaid and required for your class or program. If you are considering a future off-campus work opportunity or placement, you are required to attend this workshop before you apply for CPT or Pre-Completion OPT with ISSS.
Contact Information: More
2/5 Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT)
Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT)
Wednesday, February 5th, 20252:30 PM - 4:00 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)
Do you want to work in the U.S. after you graduate? Are you on an F-1 visa? Attend this workshop to learn more about Optional Practical Training (OPT) and how to apply for a work permit to stay in the U.S. and work in your field of study after graduation. This workshop is required for all students who will apply for OPT and will graduate in Spring 2025 semester. Attend this workshop BEFORE you apply for post-completion OPT.
Contact Information: More
2/5 English Workshops
English Workshops
Wednesday, February 5th, 20254:00 PM - 6:00 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)
Spring 2025 Schedule
Wednesdays, 4-6pm. 1/29/25 – 4/16/25 (10 weeks)
Location: CISS 202English workshops are available for 10-weeks in the Fall and Spring semesters. These workshops will help participants develop the speaking skills needed to convey their ideas clearly when presenting in front of an audience. Students will practice presenting information relevant to their field of study and be actively involved in self-assessment and peer assessment. Content will be adapted to suit the group’s needs.
Who can register? UConn undergraduates, graduates, J1 scholars, J2, F2, exchange students (EGL).
Register at the link below:
2/5 Talking about Taxes: Tax Filing Requirements for International Students and Scholars
Talking about Taxes: Tax Filing Requirements for International Students and Scholars
Wednesday, February 5th, 20255:00 PM - 6:30 PM
ISSS will offer a virtual workshop on Tax Filing Requirements for International Students and Scholars especially for those international students and scholars who need to file a 2024 tax return. International students and scholars who were present in the U.S. in 2024 have certain tax forms they need to fill out, even if they didn’t work or earn income.
Contact Information: More
2/7 2025 CATIC Symposium
2025 CATIC Symposium
Friday, February 7th, 20258:00 AM - 12:00 PM UConn Law
The racial wealth gap in the United States has witnessed alarming growth in recent years, with BIPOC households now possessing less than 25% of the wealth held by their white counterparts. A substantial portion of this wealth gap can be attributed to disparities in housing. Owning a home remains a principal method for building and transferring wealth, constituting approximately 70% of an individual’s net worth. However, challenges such as housing discrimination, restrictive zoning laws, income disparities and lending practices have created barriers to homeownership, particularly for BIPOC individuals and first-time homebuyers.Real estate lawyers and practitioners have a unique opportunity to address this critical issue by creating new pathways to homeownership for increasingly diverse communities. We invite you to join this critical examination of how real estate law plays a pivotal role in the short-term provision of affordable housing to underserved communities and, in the long term, contributes to the wealth accumulation of Black individuals and families.
Schedule (Subject to Change)
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Registration and Breakfast8:00 AM - 8:10 AM Opening Remarks
- Dean Eboni Nelson, UConn School of Law
8:10 AM - 9:10 AM Housing, Real Estate and Lending Discrimination
- Prof. Nadiyah Humber, UConn School of Law
- Attorney Judith Rothschild, City of Hartford Director of Licenses and Inspections, Housing Liaison
- Attorney Michael Powers, CATIC Title Counsel
9:20 AM - 10:35 AM Affordable Housing, Zoning and Law Reform
- Prof. Kristen Haseney, UConn School of Business
- Pete Harrison, Director of Desegregate CT & CT State Director, Regional Plan Association
- Attorney William Hennessey Jr., Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey LLP
- Attorney Dwight Merriam
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Community Education and Coalition Building
- Prof. Kristen Haseney, UConn School of Business
- Fanita Borges, Residential Sales Manager, Affordable Lending Officers, Liberty Bank
- Marcus Smith, Director, Research, Marketing and Outreach, Connecticut Housing Finance Authority
- Marcus Ordoñez, Executive Director, Hartford Land Bank
If you require a reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Law School at 860-570-5079 or via email at at least two weeks in advance.
Contact Information:Stacy Sisk:
2/8 UConn Women’s Ice Hockey vs Holy Cross - National Girls and Women in Sports Celebration
UConn Women’s Ice Hockey vs Holy Cross - National Girls and Women in Sports Celebration
Saturday, February 8th, 20257:30 PM - Toscano Ice Forum
Contact Information: More
2/10 Sexual Liberation Week: Sexual Health Showdown
Sexual Liberation Week: Sexual Health Showdown
Monday, February 10th, 20257:00 PM - 8:30 PM Student Union
Join the Student Health and Wellness Sexpert peer health educators to test your sexual health knowledge with Sexual Health Showdown! Compete against your friends via Kahoot while learning all about a variety of topics, including safer-sex, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), boundaries, consent, pleasure and more!
2/11 CANCELED: Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT) Virtual
CANCELED: Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT) Virtual
Tuesday, February 11th, 202511:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Do you want to work in the U.S. after you graduate? Are you on an F-1 visa? Attend this workshop to learn more about Optional Practical Training (OPT) and how to apply for a work permit to stay in the U.S. and work in your field of study after graduation. This workshop is required for all students who will apply for OPT and will graduate in Spring 2025 semester. Attend this workshop BEFORE you apply for post-completion OPT.
Contact Information: More
2/11 Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT) Virtual
Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT) Virtual
Tuesday, February 11th, 20253:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Do you want to work in the U.S. after you graduate? Are you on an F-1 visa? Attend this workshop to learn more about Optional Practical Training (OPT) and how to apply for a work permit to stay in the U.S. and work in your field of study after graduation. This workshop is required for all students who will apply for OPT and will graduate in Spring 2025 semester. Attend this workshop BEFORE you apply for post-completion OPT.
Contact Information: More
2/11 In-Power
Tuesday, February 11th, 20256:00 PM - 8:00 PM Women’s Center
In-Power is a student-led support group dedicated to building a gender-inclusive community that welcomes victim-survivors of sexual assault, stalking, and/or intimate partner violence at any point in their healing process. Through a focus on empowerment, autonomy, and resilience, the group aims to help participants claim agency over their own stories and experiences, as well as the direction of the group. We’ll be accomplishing this with a variety of discussion topics and self-care methods. If you are interested in joining the group, please reach out to facilitators at:
Contact Information: More
2/11 Sexual Liberation Week: Exploring Non- Monogamy Panel
Sexual Liberation Week: Exploring Non- Monogamy Panel
Tuesday, February 11th, 20257:00 PM - 8:30 PM Student Union
Join us for an informative panel discussion on non-monogamy. We’ll explore the principles, practices, and possibilities of non-monogamy in its various forms, including but not limited to polyamory. Come learn, connect, and engage in meaningful conversation in a supportive and non-judgmental space!
2/12 Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT) Hartford
Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT) Hartford
Wednesday, February 12th, 20259:30 AM - 10:30 AM Graduate Business Learning Center (Hartford)
Do you want to work in the U.S. after you graduate? Are you on an F-1 visa? Attend this workshop to learn more about Optional Practical Training (OPT) and how to apply for a work permit to stay in the U.S. and work in your field of study after graduation. This workshop is required for all students who will apply for OPT and will graduate in Spring 2025 semester. Attend this workshop BEFORE you apply for post-completion OPT.
Contact Information: More
2/12 Getting to Conferral: Master’s Degrees and Graduate Certificates
Getting to Conferral: Master’s Degrees and Graduate Certificates
Wednesday, February 12th, 202511:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This session will discuss the Office of the Registrar’s degree audit process for master’s degrees and graduate certificates, including 6th Year Certificate programs. Degree Audit staff will share auditing terms and timeline, degree requirements for Plan A and Plan B, as well as the thesis submission process. Time will be available at the end of the session for participants’ questions.
- Sandra Cyr, Master’s Degree and Graduate Certificate Programs Registrar Specialist
See more about all Timely Topics offered by The Graduate School.
Please register to receive a Webex link for this event.
Contact Information:Megan Petsa -
2/12 Getting to Conferral: Doctoral Degrees
Getting to Conferral: Doctoral Degrees
Wednesday, February 12th, 20252:00 PM - 3:00 PM
This session will discuss the Office of the Registrar’s degree audit process for doctoral (Ph.D.) students. Degree Audit staff will share auditing terms and timeline, degree requirements, the master’s on the way process, and the dissertation submission process. Time will be available at the end of the session for participants’ questions.
Jenn Horan, Doctoral Degree Registrar Specialist
See more about all Timely Topics offered by The Graduate School.
Please register to receive a Webex link for this event.
Contact Information:Megan Petsa -
2/12 Workshop: Internship Authorization (CPT & Pre-OPT)
Workshop: Internship Authorization (CPT & Pre-OPT)
Wednesday, February 12th, 20252:30 PM - 4:00 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)
This session is for F-1 students who will do an internship or work off-campus before graduating, or for students who have internships and clinical placements as part of your academic curriculum. All internships, work and placements off-campus must be authorized through Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Pre-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), even if unpaid and required for your class or program. If you are considering a future off-campus work opportunity or placement, you are required to attend this workshop before you apply for CPT or Pre-Completion OPT with ISSS.
Contact Information: More
2/12 UCHI Fellow’s Talk: Jesse Olsavsky on Pan-Africanism
UCHI Fellow’s Talk: Jesse Olsavsky on Pan-Africanism
Wednesday, February 12th, 20253:30 PM - 4:45 PM Homer Babbidge Library
A research talk by UCHI visiting scholar Jesse Olsavsky (Assistant Professor of History, Co-Director of Gender Studies Initiative, Duke Kunshan University) on his project, “In the Tradition: The Abolitionist Tradition and the Routes of Pan-Africanism,” with a response by Janet Pritchard.
2/12 English Workshops
English Workshops
Wednesday, February 12th, 20254:00 PM - 6:00 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)
Spring 2025 Schedule
Wednesdays, 4-6pm. 1/29/25 – 4/16/25 (10 weeks)
Location: CISS 202English workshops are available for 10-weeks in the Fall and Spring semesters. These workshops will help participants develop the speaking skills needed to convey their ideas clearly when presenting in front of an audience. Students will practice presenting information relevant to their field of study and be actively involved in self-assessment and peer assessment. Content will be adapted to suit the group’s needs.
Who can register? UConn undergraduates, graduates, J1 scholars, J2, F2, exchange students (EGL).
Register at the link below:
2/12 Women in STEM Day
Women in STEM Day
Wednesday, February 12th, 20255:00 PM - 7:00 PM Student Union
Join us in observance of International Day of Women and Girls in Science, an annual occasion that serves to promote the full and equal participation of women and girls in STEM fields and to celebrate their achievements.
Faculty RSVP here
Students RSVP here
2/13 Honor Bound: Coming Out in the Military
Honor Bound: Coming Out in the Military
Thursday, February 13th, 202512:30 PM - 2:00 PM UConn Law
In 1987, at the top of his class and weeks away from graduation, Steffan was forced to resign and sued the Department of Defense, ultimately losing his legal case in 1994. Stefan’s personal papers, correspondence and legal files are a collection in the Law Library Archives. This event will delve into Steffan’s story, the significance of the exhibit, and the broader impact of inclusion and representation in the armed forces.
This event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided.
A companion exhibit is on display in the Law Library
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage with history, advocacy, and personal courage. We look forward to seeing you there!
2/13 FAMILEE Valentine’s Day Makers Space and Just Dance Party
FAMILEE Valentine’s Day Makers Space and Just Dance Party
Thursday, February 13th, 20255:00 PM - 7:00 PM Student UnionContact Information: More
2/13 Sexual Liberation Week: Intro to Rope and Rope Safety
Sexual Liberation Week: Intro to Rope and Rope Safety
Thursday, February 13th, 20256:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Explore the art of rope in a safe and respectful environment with our hands-on workshop! Learn the fundamentals of Japanese inspired rope bondage practice with Corwin, seasoned kinkster, educator, and owner of Upline Rope Studio. We’ll guide you through basic knot techniques, discuss proper rope handling, and how to communicate with rope partners in a safe and supportive space– with focus on safety, consent, and communication.
Limited slots - advance sign-up required.
Visit for sign-up link or scan the QR code
2/14 Valentine’s Day Candy at CISS
Valentine’s Day Candy at CISS
Friday, February 14th, 20259:00 AM - 4:00 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)
2/14 Sexual Liberation Week: Valentines Vibes: A self-care workshop on pleasure and exploring sex toys
Sexual Liberation Week: Valentines Vibes: A self-care workshop on pleasure and exploring sex toys
Friday, February 14th, 20252:00 PM - 4:00 PM Student Union
Start your Valentine’s Day off with some good vibes! Join Cassy Setzler, Program Manager for Sexual Health Initiatives at SHaW, for an empowering and informative workshop all about sex toys! This session will guide you through the diverse world of sex toys, and how to use them to enhance pleasure and intimacy. Come ready to learn, laugh, and discover something new!
2/14 Talking about Taxes: Tax Filing Requirements for International Students and Scholars
Talking about Taxes: Tax Filing Requirements for International Students and Scholars
Friday, February 14th, 20254:00 PM - 5:30 PM
ISSS will offer a virtual workshop on Tax Filing Requirements for International Students and Scholars especially for those international students and scholars who need to file a 2024 tax return. International students and scholars who were present in the U.S. in 2024 have certain tax forms they need to fill out, even if they didn’t work or earn income.
Contact Information: More
2/15 Discover your Purpose: Life Purpose Lab Workshop for International Students
Discover your Purpose: Life Purpose Lab Workshop for International Students
Saturday, February 15th, 202510:00 AM - Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)Join us at the Center for International Students and Scholars (CISS) for a research-based approach to discovering your purpose in life.
Dr. Bradley Wright is a professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut and the director of the Life Purpose Lab. Dr. Bradley will be facilitating this workshop for international students. His research focuses on well-being, purpose & meaning, and spirituality.
In this workshop, students will:
- Learn about the concept of purpose and its importance in personal and academic life.
- Reflect on their own sense of purpose and how it relates to their college experience.
- Engage in meaningful activities that encourage self-exploration and personal growth
- Develop strategies to integrate meaningful involvements and activities into their daily life.
This workshop is based on the proven methodologies of the UConn Life Purpose Lab, which has been shown to increase students’ sense of purpose, happiness, and satisfaction.
Who should attend?
Any student who wants to gain clarity on their purpose and learn practical strategies for personal development. Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to attend.
Application Deadline:
Apply as soon as possible to secure your spot! Attendance is free.
Contact Information:
2/16 Discover your Purpose: Life Purpose Lab Workshop for International Students
Discover your Purpose: Life Purpose Lab Workshop for International Students
Sunday, February 16th, 202510:00 AM - Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)Join us at the Center for International Students and Scholars for a research-based approach to discovering your purpose in life.
Dr. Bradley Wright will be facilitating this workshop for international students. Dr. Bradley is a professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut and the director of the Life Purpose Lab. His research focuses on well-being, purpose & meaning, and spirituality.
In this workshop, students will:
- Learn about the concept of purpose and its importance in personal and academic life.
- Reflect on their own sense of purpose and how it relates to their college experience.
- Engage in meaningful activities that encourage self-exploration and personal growth
- Develop strategies to integrate meaningful involvements and activities into their daily life.
This workshop is based on the proven methodologies of the UConn Life Purpose Lab, which has been shown to increase students’ sense of purpose, happiness, and satisfaction.
Who should attend?
Any student who wants to gain clarity on their purpose and learn practical strategies for personal development. Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to attend.
Contact Information:
2/17 Workshop: Internship Authorization (CPT & Pre-OPT) Stamford
Workshop: Internship Authorization (CPT & Pre-OPT) Stamford
Monday, February 17th, 202512:00 PM - 1:00 PM UConn Stamford
This session is for F-1 students who will do an internship or work off-campus before graduating, or for students who have internships and clinical placements as part of your academic curriculum.
All internships, work and placements off-campus must be authorized through Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Pre-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), even if unpaid and required for your class or program. If you are considering a future off-campus work opportunity or placement, you are required to attend this workshop before you apply for CPT or Pre-Completion OPT with ISSS.
Contact Information: More
2/18 U.S. Democracy & Human Rights at a Crossroads
U.S. Democracy & Human Rights at a Crossroads
Tuesday, February 18th, 202512:30 PM - 2:00 PM The Dodd Center for Human Rights
About this Event
Panelists will engage in conversation and reflection on everyday practices of democracy during a period of deep polarization at the national level, proposing pathways for meaningful civic engagement.
- Jason Chang - Director, Asian & Asian American Studies Institute; Head of the Department of Social & Critical Inquiry; Associate Professor of History and Asian American Studies; Faculty Affiliate in American Studies, El Instituto, and Maritime Studies
- Sandy Grande - Director, Native American & Indigenous Studies; Professor of Political Science and Native American & Indigenous Studies; Faculty Affiliate in American Studies, Philosophy, and the Race, Ethnicity & Politics program
- Evelyn M. Simien - Director, Africana Studies Institute; Professor of Political Science; Faculty Affiliate in American Studies and Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies
- Charles R. Venator-Santiago - Director, El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, & Latin American Studies; Associate Professor, Political Science and El Instituto; Faculty Affiliate in American Studies and Asian American Studies
- James Waller - Christopher J. Dodd Chair in Human Rights Practice; Director, Dodd Human Rights Impact Programs; Professor, Literatures, Cultures, & Languages
This event is hosted by Dodd Human Rights Impact Programs. It is co-sponsored by the Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute; Africana Studies Institute; Asian & Asian American Studies Institute; El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, & Latin American Studies; and Native American & Indigenous Studies Initiative.
Contact Information:Alex Branzell, Events & Communications Coordinator, Gladstein Family Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut
2/18 In-Power
Tuesday, February 18th, 20256:00 PM - 8:00 PM Women’s Center
In-Power is a student-led support group dedicated to building a gender-inclusive community that welcomes victim-survivors of sexual assault, stalking, and/or intimate partner violence at any point in their healing process. Through a focus on empowerment, autonomy, and resilience, the group aims to help participants claim agency over their own stories and experiences, as well as the direction of the group. We’ll be accomplishing this with a variety of discussion topics and self-care methods. If you are interested in joining the group, please reach out to facilitators at:
Contact Information: More
2/19 UCHI Faculty Talk: Bhoomi Thakore on Fun and Play on YouTube
UCHI Faculty Talk: Bhoomi Thakore on Fun and Play on YouTube
Wednesday, February 19th, 202512:15 PM - 1:15 PM Homer Babbidge Library
Since its 2005 launch, YouTube has been the premier site for long-form video content. Even within the sea of social media entertainment, YouTube has maintained its significant influence on society and culture. Users have found opportunities to develop their interests and communities. Amateur creators have a platform to showcase their identities and creativity, with the potential for profit. In this talk, I will present findings from a sample of amateur YouTube content creators highlighting the experiences of fun and play in content creation, and YouTube’s commercial influences on creativity.
Bhoomi K. Thakore (she/her) is an Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, and Faculty Affiliate, Department of Social and Critical Inquiry, at the University of Connecticut. Her research areas include inequalities, media sociology, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Access note
If you require accommodation to attend this event, please contact us at or by phone (860) 486-9057. We can request ASL interpretation, computer-assisted real time transcription, and other accommodations offered by the Center for Students with Disabilities.
2/19 Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT)
Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT)
Wednesday, February 19th, 20252:30 PM - 4:00 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)
Do you want to work in the U.S. after you graduate? Are you on an F-1 visa? Attend this workshop to learn more about Optional Practical Training (OPT) and how to apply for a work permit to stay in the U.S. and work in your field of study after graduation. This workshop is required for all students who will apply for OPT and will graduate in Spring 2025 semester. Attend this workshop BEFORE you apply for post-completion OPT.
Contact Information: More
2/19 UCHI Fellow’s Talk: Heather Ostman on Grace in American Literature
UCHI Fellow’s Talk: Heather Ostman on Grace in American Literature
Wednesday, February 19th, 20253:30 PM - 4:45 PM Homer Babbidge Library
In this presentation, Heather Ostman will discuss her UCHI project, which seeks to find the links between the representations of religion and selected texts from America’s nineteenth-century, a time in the nation’s history when it sought to assert a distinctive culture and national identity—attempts challenged particularly by the Civil War. The New Testament notion of “grace” shapes the direction of this study, as it points to multiple writers’ concerns with ideas of “mercy,” “salvation,” and/or “redemption”—all of which lend themselves to the developing mythos of the American self-made individual, as shaped by earlier narratives, such as Benjamin Franklin’s eighteenth-century autobiography. The texts studied in this project, which include those by Emerson, Walt Whitman, Sojourner Truth, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pierton Dooner, and Kate Chopin, present a complex picture of American letters, the contours and constraints of religious practice, and the search for grace—and ultimately, for meaning itself—amid the political, religious, and social constructs of nineteenth-century America. After a broad introduction to the study, this presentation will particularly focus on the intersections between fiction and religion through the lens of “grace” as they emerge in the work of Kate Chopin and in comparison to other texts studied in this project.
Heather Ostman is Professor of English, Director of the Humanities Institute, and Humanities Curriculum Chair at SUNY Westchester Community College in Valhalla, New York. She is the author/editor of eleven books, including, recently, Kate Chopin and the City: the New Orleans Stories (2024). She is the recipient of two NEH grants and a SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, and she is the co-founder and president of the Kate Chopin International Society. The UCHI Visiting Fellowship will enable Heather the time and space to work on her next book project, which is titled “Nineteenth-Century American Literature, Religion, and the Search for Grace.” As Christian idea, “grace” speaks to acts of mercy, salvation, and redemption.
Julia Wold Julia Wold is a doctoral candidate in the English Department specializing in Early Modern drama, primarily Shakespeare, and adaptation theory, focusing on video game adaptations. She received her MA in English from the University of North Dakota and her BA in English from Northern State University. Her work focuses on early modern philosophies of choice in both contemporaneous works (Hamlet, Paradise Lost) and modern video game adaptations of these works (Elsinore, The Talos Principle). She is also the co-host and editor of the Star Wars English Class podcast, exploring concepts ranging from literary theory to creative writing via Star Wars. At UCHI, Julia will complete her dissertation, “Adapting Choice: Shakespeare, Video Games, and Early Modern Thought,” which explores the connection between early modern conceptions of decision-making (“right reason”), theorized as “thoughtful choice” and video games adaptations of early modern texts.
Access note
If you require accommodation to attend this event, please contact us at or by phone (860) 486-9057. We can request ASL interpretation, computer-assisted real time transcription, and other accommodations offered by the Center for Students with Disabilities.
2/19 English Workshops
English Workshops
Wednesday, February 19th, 20254:00 PM - 6:00 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)
Spring 2025 Schedule
Wednesdays, 4-6pm. 1/29/25 – 4/16/25 (10 weeks)
Location: CISS 202English workshops are available for 10-weeks in the Fall and Spring semesters. These workshops will help participants develop the speaking skills needed to convey their ideas clearly when presenting in front of an audience. Students will practice presenting information relevant to their field of study and be actively involved in self-assessment and peer assessment. Content will be adapted to suit the group’s needs.
Who can register? UConn undergraduates, graduates, J1 scholars, J2, F2, exchange students (EGL).
Register at the link below:
2/22 Kinds of Cognition Graduate Conference
Kinds of Cognition Graduate Conference
Saturday, February 22nd, 20259:00 AM - 4:00 PMProgramme (in EST)
09:00 - 09:10 Welcome and Introduction
09:10 - 10:15 Keynote: Elisabeth Pacherie (institut Jean Nicod; Institute for the Study of Cognition at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
“Motoric Representational Format”10:20 - 10:50 James D. Grayot (University of Porto)
“Representation hunger: Reformulating the ‘problem-domain’ of truly complex cognition”10:55 - 11:25 Iwan Williams (Monash University)
” Proto-asserters?: The case of chatbot speech meets the case of toddler speech “11:30 - 12:05 Frederik T. Junker (University of Copenhagen)
“From Daydreams to Decisions”12:10 - 12:40 Georgina Brighouse (University of Liverpool)
“Rethinking aphantasia: A genuine lack of capacity but not a disorder or disability
12:40 - 1:20 Lunch1:20 - 1:50 Mica Rapstine (University of Michigan)
“Moral Epiphany and Insight in Problem Solving”1:55 - 2:25 Joachim Nicolodi (University of Cambridge)
“Consciousness in the Creative Process and the Problem for AI”2:30 - 3:00 Mona Fazeli (University of California, Los Angeles)
“Does Metareasoning Contribute to Epistemic Rationality?”3:05 - 3:35 Juan Murillo Vargas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
“How Language-Like is the Language of Thought?”3:40 - 4:35 Keynote: Cameron Buckner (University of Florida)
“Large Language Models as models of human reasoning”Contact
2/22 UCONN Rainbow Center Drag Show 2025: Love in Full Color
UCONN Rainbow Center Drag Show 2025: Love in Full Color
Saturday, February 22nd, 20257:00 PM - Jorgensen Theater
Contact Information: More
2/24 FYE International Student Reunion Event
FYE International Student Reunion Event
Monday, February 24th, 20256:00 PM - 8:00 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)You’re invited to our FYE reunion event for international students!
This event allows students to give feedback on their FYE/UNIV courses, suggest ways to better support international students, and improve their overall experience at UConn. It’s also a great opportunity for students to reconnect with former classmates, mentors, and instructors.
Please attend if you are….
- An international undergraduate student currently taking an FYE/UNIV course this Spring or in a previous semester.
- An FYE Mentor currently/previously assigned to international FYE sections.Registration
Please confirm your attendance by completing the FYE International Reunion Form.We look forward to seeing you there! Food and refreshments will be served.
Sponsored by The Center for International Students & Scholars (CISS) and First Year Experience (FYE).
2/25 Workshop: Internship Authorization (CPT & Pre-OPT) Virtual
Workshop: Internship Authorization (CPT & Pre-OPT) Virtual
Tuesday, February 25th, 202512:00 PM - 1:30 PM
This session is for F-1 students who will do an internship or work off-campus before graduating, or for students who have internships and clinical placements as part of your academic curriculum. All internships, work and placements off-campus must be authorized through Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Pre-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT), even if unpaid and required for your class or program. If you are considering a future off-campus work opportunity or placement, you are required to attend this workshop before you apply for CPT or Pre-Completion OPT with ISSS.
Contact Information: More
2/25 Networking Night for International Students
Networking Night for International Students
Tuesday, February 25th, 20254:00 PM - 5:30 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)Do you want to practice your networking skills and make a few contacts in the process. Please come to our in-person workshop. This is a great opportunity for students to learn:
- how to network
- work on an elevator pitch
- ask questions about networking etiquette and much more…
There will be information on career opportunities and employment services. Make connections and expand your professional network with us!
This is an interactive session - feel free to bring your technology. Consider trying out your business casual look. Food and beverages will be provided!
Sponsored by The Center for International Students & Scholars (CISS), the Center for Career Development, and the School of Business Career Development Office.
2/25 Focus on Pronunciation
Focus on Pronunciation
Tuesday, February 25th, 20254:00 PM - 5:30 PM Arjona BuildingIn this course, participants will develop skills and strategies to work on their pronunciation both in and out of class. The goal is not to eliminate a foreign accent, but instead to help participants develop a command of spoken English that enables them to convey and understand intended meanings and attitudes. Individual sounds, sound combinations, stress, vowel reduction, linking, rhythm, intonation, focus, pauses, and conversational speech will be addressed. Content can be adapted to suit the groups’ needs.
Course Fee: $250. Information: More
2/25 In-Power
Tuesday, February 25th, 20256:00 PM - 8:00 PM Women’s Center
In-Power is a student-led support group dedicated to building a gender-inclusive community that welcomes victim-survivors of sexual assault, stalking, and/or intimate partner violence at any point in their healing process. Through a focus on empowerment, autonomy, and resilience, the group aims to help participants claim agency over their own stories and experiences, as well as the direction of the group. We’ll be accomplishing this with a variety of discussion topics and self-care methods. If you are interested in joining the group, please reach out to facilitators at:
Contact Information: More
2/26 Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT) Law
Workshop: Work Authorization in the USA (Post-OPT) Law
Wednesday, February 26th, 202512:30 PM - 1:30 PM UConn Law
Do you want to work in the U.S. after you graduate? Are you on an F-1 visa? Attend this workshop to learn more about Optional Practical Training (OPT) and how to apply for a work permit to stay in the U.S. and work in your field of study after graduation. This workshop is required for all students who will apply for OPT and will graduate in Spring 2025 semester. Attend this workshop BEFORE you apply for post-completion OPT.
Contact Information: More
2/26 UCHI Fellow’s Talk: César Abadia-Barrero on Sugary Industries and the Body
UCHI Fellow’s Talk: César Abadia-Barrero on Sugary Industries and the Body
Wednesday, February 26th, 20253:30 PM - 4:45 PM Homer Babbidge Library
In 400+ years of history (from early XVII to early XXI centuries) sugar went from being used primarily by the European royalty and their criminal imperial associates to being consumed in large amounts by all inhabitants of the planet. In this talk, I draw from Sidney Mintz’s classic Sweetness and Power to briefly present the history of sugar. Then, I update this history by presenting the incredible growth and profits of the sugary drinks and ultra-processed food industries. By asking what has happened to our human biology as we have replaced real food with more free sugars and processed substances, I develop connections with several diseases, primarily diabetes and obesity that have reached pandemic proportions. I present how the efforts to curb down consumption and enforce regulations have been met with strategies to co-opt and influence policy makers, aggressively market their products to vulnerable populations, and fund and promote biased research. By naming some of the capitalists of the largest transnational “food” industries and their enormous wealth and profit rates, and by connecting their business success with the progressive destruction of our biology, this first chapter of a larger book project intends to test if we can present a material history of our deteriorating human biology for broad audiences; a material history that argues that to understand human biology we need to understand the history of capitalism.
César Abadía-Barrero is a Colombian activist/scholar and associate professor of anthropology and human rights at the University of Connecticut. His research approach is grounded in activist, collaborative, and participatory action research frameworks and integrates critical perspectives to study interconnections among capitalism, human rights, and communities of care. He has been a member of or collaborated with collectives and social movements in Brazil, Colombia, Cameroon, Spain and the United States examining how for-profit interests transform access, continuity, and quality of health care, and how communities resist forms of oppression and create and maintain alternative ways of living and caring.
2/26 English Workshops
English Workshops
Wednesday, February 26th, 20254:00 PM - 6:00 PM Center for International Students & Scholar Services (CISS)
Spring 2025 Schedule
Wednesdays, 4-6pm. 1/29/25 – 4/16/25 (10 weeks)
Location: CISS 202English workshops are available for 10-weeks in the Fall and Spring semesters. These workshops will help participants develop the speaking skills needed to convey their ideas clearly when presenting in front of an audience. Students will practice presenting information relevant to their field of study and be actively involved in self-assessment and peer assessment. Content will be adapted to suit the group’s needs.
Who can register? UConn undergraduates, graduates, J1 scholars, J2, F2, exchange students (EGL).
Register at the link below:
2/27 Jazz at Lincoln Center: New Orleans Songbook
Jazz at Lincoln Center: New Orleans Songbook
Thursday, February 27th, 20257:30 PM - 10:00 PM Jorgensen Center
Jazz at Lincoln Center brings the soul of New Orleans and the spirit of Mardi Gras to this amazing performance, celebrating the composers and inspired songs of the Crescent City, the historic epicenter of jazz. From Jelly Roll Morton and Louis Armstrong to Ellis Marsalis and James Black, New Orleans has long been an apex of innovation and inspiration. Led by pianist Luther S. Allison and award-winning vocalists Quiana Lynell and Milton Suggs, New Orleans Songbook will immerse the Jorgensen audience in the captivating and timeless spirit of this vibrant city.
Contact Information:Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts
2132 Hillside Rd, Mansfield, CT, 06269
(860) 486-4226

AACC 2024-25 Programming

Ava Chin: Keynote Discussion