A Land Acknowledgement is a formal statement that recognizes and respects Native peoples as traditional stewards of lands. The statement highlights the enduring relationship between Native peoples and their traditional territories.
Why We Recognize the Land
All land in Connecticut was once Native territory, which is why it is our duty to acknowledge that, as the state's land-grant institution, the University of Connecticut exists on Native land. It is important to understand the long-standing history that has brought you to reside on this land and to seek to understand your place within that history. Land acknowledgments do not exist in the past tense or historical context: colonialism is a current ongoing process, and we need to build mindfulness about our present participation. It is also worth noting that acknowledging the land is Indigenous protocol. – http://www.lspirg.org/knowtheland
The Office for Diversity and Inclusion worked with the three co-founders of the Akomawt Educational Initiative to create a land acknowledgment that rightfully recognizes the history of Native peoples' territories. It is important to our office to work with members of the greater Connecticut community to continue efforts to educate our campus on the value of diversity and inclusion. This initiative facilitates the Office for Diversity and Inclusion's mission to build a more welcoming and inclusive community.

When to use the Land Acknowledgement
We recommend providing the Land Acknowledgement at any UConn-sponsored event, whether on-campus, off-campus, or digital. We generally suggest reading or handing out the acknowledgement as part of the welcome comments at the beginning of any event.
We also suggest including the Land Acknowledgement in course syllabi, in UConn email signatures, and on any UConn-related website.
How to use the Land Acknowledgement
At the University of Connecticut, the Land Acknowledgement Statement can be read aloud or distributed by anyone who wishes to use it — at public or private events — on University property.
Land Acknowledgement Statement
We would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is the territory of the Eastern Pequot, Golden Hill Paugussett, Lenape, Mashantucket Pequot, Mohegan, Nipmuc and Schaghticoke Peoples who have stewarded this land throughout the generations. We thank them for their strength and resilience in protecting this land, and aspire to uphold our responsibilities according to their example.
Eastern Pequot (Pea-kwaht)
Golden Hill Paugussett (paw-GUS-it)
Lenape (Leh-NAH-pay)
Mashantucket Pequot (Mash-un-tuck-it Pea-kwaht)
Mohegan (Mo-he-gan)
Nipmuc (Nip-muck)
Schaghticoke (ska-teh-COKE)