September 2023 Heritage Celebrations

September 1, 2023

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost’s Office would like to remind you of several celebrations, commemorations, and moments of raising awareness for members of our community during the month of September:

Heritage Month Celebrations:

Hispanic Heritage Month: (September 15th – October 15th): Hispanic Heritage Month recognizes and celebrates the many diverse cultures and histories within Hispanic and Latinx communities, as well as members of those culture’s achievements and contributions    to the United States.  First recognized as Hispanic Heritage Week by President Lyndon Johnson in 1968, it was expanded to a full month by President Ronald Reagan in 1988.   This month is observed from September 15th – the anniversary of Guatemalan, Honduran, El Salvadorian, Nicaraguan, and Costa Rican independence – through October 15th.  It also includes Día de la Raza on October 12th, an alternative holiday to Columbus Day that celebrates and honors the peoples, traditions, and cultures destroyed by European colonization.

This Hispanic Heritage Month, we invite the entire community to participate in the Puerto Rican / Latin American Cultural Center’s (PRLACC) events, which will be announced in the very near future. Please follow the PRLACC calendar for a full list of events! We look forward to seeing you there.

Also be sure to check out events held by La Comunidad Intelectual, a learning community that works to create a welcoming space on campus for students who identify as Latina/o/x and/or who are interested in issues that affect the Latin American and Caribbean communities. Check out their Instagram page for upcoming events!

ODI and the Provost’s Office also believe that UConn is stronger for the inclusion of Hispanic and Latine peoples, cultures, and traditions. We are also proud that our UConn Stamford campus is an accredited Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI).  The University has resources to help these communities navigate the unique challenges in higher education settings, including PRLACC, the Association of Latinx/a/o Faculty and Staff (ALFAS), and the Center for Career Development. UConn is also proud of El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies, which supports the developing of hemispheric and Latine-centered perspectives and of La Comunidad Intelectual, a learning community that recognizes and critically examines Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American cultures, customs, and traditions at UConn and beyond.

National Recovery Month: September is National Recovery Month, a time set aside to assist the road to recovery for the more than 20 million Americans who are experiencing one or more substance use disorders. This month not only educates Americans about the substance use treatments and mental health services that can help those with substance use disorders live a healthier and more rewarding life, but also celebrates the gains made by those already in recovery – gains that often go unrecognized in wider conversations.

The goal of this month is to reinforce the message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, that treatment is effective, and that people can and do recover. This month reminds us that no one is alone in the journey through recovery. While every journey is different, we are all in this together. At UConn, we endeavor to ensure that substance use is not a barrier to academic, personal, or professional success. Please visit Student Health and Wellness’s (SHaW) Alcohol and Substance Use Support and UConn’s Recovery Support Services page for resources, trainings, and opportunities for support on your journey.

Suicide Prevention Month and Week: September is Suicide Prevention Month. Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) host World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 to focus attention on the problem of suicide worldwide. The week leading up to this day is Suicide Prevention Week. Suicide is a particular concern in the United States – it is the second leading cause of death for 10- to 34-year-olds. This month serves as a moment for creating awareness about suicide, to inspire people to learn how to help save lives in their community, and to learn to have authentic and caring conversations about suicide and mental health.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health or having suicidal thoughts, please know that you are not alone. The University has resources to help through times of crisis. The Office for Diversity and Inclusion has also gathered a partial list of mental health resources for students, staff, and faculty at all five UConn campuses, as well as for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and veteran communities.  There is also help available whenever you need it and wherever you may be. UConn has several resources for getting immediate support.  As of summer 2022, the federal government has also instituted a new national suicide prevention hotline, 988, that can be called for immediate support 24/7.

Employees seeking mental health care at UCHC can contact the Mood and Anxiety Clinic, provided by the UConn Health Department of Psychiatry. The Clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to individuals struggling with mood and anxiety symptoms.

For medical, dental and graduate students at UConn Health, the Student Behavioral Health Service has a range of useful resources.

Suicide prevention should not be limited to a single day, week, or month, but should receive attention every day. For those who are struggling, please remember that you matter and that there are resources dedicated to helping you in your time of need.

Cultural and Federal Holidays:

Chuseok (September 29): Chuseok is a Korean holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, traditionally to commemorate the fall harvest and to honor one’s ancestors. The Harvest Moon Festival, as it is also known, is one of the most popular holidays in Korea, and many travel home to visit family and share a celebratory meal together. The day begins with a ceremony in which food and wine are offered to ancestors. This is followed by a meal that typically consists of fish and newly harvested vegetables and grains. The food most associated with the holiday is songpyon, a crescent-shaped rice cake that is cooked on a bed of pine needles. Later in the day celebrants visit the graves of relatives, where more ceremonies are performed. Chuseok is also marked by gift giving and athletic events, including tug-of-war competitions, archery contests, and sirrum (Korean wrestling) matches. Other activities include dancing and music playing, and on Chuseok many Koreans wear traditional clothing (hanbok).

Labor Day (September 4th): This federal holiday, always held on the first Monday of September, celebrates the American labor movement and pays tribute to American workers. While this day is set aside to celebrate improvements made to working conditions in the United States, September also has two other labor-related holidays that remind us of the continued need to address race- and gender-based disparities in pay:

International Equal Pay Day (September 18th): This day was first acknowledged in 2019 to illuminate persistent pay discrimination and wage gaps that disproportionately affect women and people of color across all occupations. Unequal pay leads to lower wealth accumulation and has generational impacts.

National Black Women’s Equal Pay Day (September 21st): First celebrated by The National Committee on Pay Equity in 1996, this day highlights the impacts of institutional racism in the workplace, especially regarding pay.  On average, Black women make 62 cents for every dollar paid to a white man.  This day also recognizes that inequalities created by pay disparity have generational consequences, a problem that has been exacerbated during the pandemic.

ODI believes that working to address the systems that create inequity for any group will help address the systems that create inequity for every group.  UConn provides professional development resources for these and other identity-based groups who face unique challenges on entering the workforce.  See more at the Center for Career Development.

Mid-Autumn Festival (September 29): The  Mid-Autumn Festival  falls on the 15th day of the 8th month in the Chinese lunar calendar, and it’s the second most important traditional festival in China after the spring festival. It is also celebrated by many other Asian countries. In China, the  Mid-Autumn Festival  is a celebration of the harvest. Ceremonies are held both to give thanks for the harvest and to encourage the harvest-giving light to return again in the coming year. The Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of over 3000 years. In the process of cultural developments, the festival has been infused with more meanings, including families gathering and praying for good health and happiness. In modern times, people mainly celebrate the mid-autumn festival as a time for family reunions. It is said the moon on this day is the brightest and roundest, which has come to mean family reunion. Some traditional celebrations include enjoying a dinner with family, eating mooncakes, and appreciating the moon.

National Trail of Tears Remembrance Day (September 16th):  On this day, we acknowledge the forced displacement of Native and Indigenous peoples from their lands. September 16th is the National Day of Commemoration for the Trail of Tears, when citizens of the Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole, Creek, and Chickasaw Nations and other Eastern tribal nations were violently removed from their homelands by the United States government after the passage of the 1830 Indian Removal Act. Relocated peoples suffered from continual violence, disease, and starvation during and after displacement.

We also recognize that UConn occupies lands taken from Native and Indigenous peoples accounted for in the Land Acknowledgement statement, and we encourage reading this statement out loud before any event held on university property, incorporating it in UConn websites, and including it in course syllabi. Furthermore, we note that the University continues to profit off of sale of other land taken by violent dispossession under the auspices of the 1862 Morrill Act. To see UConn’s participation in this legacy, visit the Land Grab CT website, a resource put together by UConn’s Greenhouse Studios in conjunction with the Native American Cultural Programs (NACP), the Native American and Indigenous Students Association (NAISA), and the Dodd Impact Initiative at the Human Rights Institute.

Patriot Day (September 11th):  This day honors those who perished in or as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including first responders and military service members.  Flags are flown at half-staff on this day, and Americans are encouraged to honor the victims through acts of service.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind military service members that you are important to UConn, which recognizes the unique challenges you face in higher education. The Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs (VAMP) provides student support services specifically for veterans, active service members, and their families attending UConn. Their services include certifying VA educational benefits, assisting students in their transition to life at UConn, and providing supplemental programs and activities to student veterans. VAMP works closely with the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD), which has a wealth of resources for veterans regardless of ability status. VAMP also works closely with state-based Veterans Centers that provide fully confidential mental and behavioral health assistance.

Religious Holidays:

Krishna Janmashtami (September 6th – September 7th): Also known as Gokulashtami, this two-day festival marks the birth of Krishna, one of the most popular Hindu deities.  Hindus celebrate Janmashtami by fasting, singing devotional songs, praying together, preparing special foods, holding night vigils, and visiting temples. Major Krishna temples organize a recitation of “Bhagavata Purana” and “Bhagavad Gita” or drama events “Rasa Lila” and “Krishna Lila.”

Rosh Hashanah: (Sundown September 15th – Sundown September 17th): Rosh Hashanah, which is Hebrew for “first of the year,” is one of the holiest days in Judaism, celebrating the New Year, the birthday of the Universe, and the creation of Adam and Eve.  It is part of the High Holidays with Yom Kippur, which comes 10 days later (September 24th – September 25th).  Rosh Hashanah is a time of rejoicing and introspection; it offers an occasion to celebrate the completion of another year while also providing an opportunity to take stock of one’s life and contemplate the upcoming year. Traditionally, Rosh Hashanah is observed with sounding a ram’s horn on both days (unless either day falls on Shabbat), and with sweet foods like challah bread with raisins or apples dipped in honey to symbolize wishes for a sweet new year.

Sukkot (Sundown September 29 – Sundown October 6): Sukkot is a Jewish festival of thanksgiving and harvest commemorating the dwelling of the ancient Israelites in booths in the wilderness.

UConn Hillel will hold services and meals for this year’s High Holiday celebrations, including Erev Rosh Hashanah services and dinner on Sunday, September 15th at 6:30 PM; Tashlich and Lunch on Monday, September 17th at 2 PM; and Erev Yom Kippur services at 5:00 PM. These events are free and open to the entire UConn community. The full calendar of services and meals is on UConn Hillel’s homepage.

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) (September 24th – September 25th ): Yom Kippur is considered the most important holiday in the Jewish faith.  It marks the culmination of the Ten Days of Awe, a period of introspection and repentance that follows Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. According to tradition, it is on Yom Kippur that God decides each person’s fate, so Jews are encouraged to make amends and ask forgiveness for sins committed during the past year. The holiday is observed with a 25-hour fast and a special religious service. Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah are known as Judaism’s “High Holy Days.”

We welcome the celebration of each of these holidays on our campuses and encourage support for those requiring accommodations. You can find information and guidance about academic accommodations for religious observations on the Provost Office’s webpage.

To see more information about resources and events happening this month and throughout the semester, please visit our events page at ODI writes these letters in collaboration with our partners across the UConn system. If we inadvertently omitted a cultural or religious holiday, please let us know by emailing us at

If you would like to receive our ODI Weekly Digest, where you can receive regular updates about upcoming events, programs, and opportunities, subscribe here!



Frank, Anne, and Jeff

Frank Tuitt
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

Anne D’Alleva
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Jeffrey F. Hines, MD
Associate Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, UConn Health

August 2023 Heritage Celebrations

August 1, 2023

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost’s Office would like to remind you of several celebrations, commemorations, and moments of raising awareness for members of our community during the month of August:

Cultural and Federal Holidays:

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (August 9th): The United Nations sets aside every August 9th to commemorate the world’s Indigenous Peoples and to raise awareness about the need to recognize their identities, ways of life, territories, and natural resources, all of which have been violated throughout history. This year’s theme is “Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-determination.” Indigenous youth are actively exercising their right to self-determination by being change agents in key areas like climate action and the green transition, mobilizing for justice, and intergenerational connections. To learn about the advocacy of Native and Indigenous young people at UConn, visit the Native American Cultural Programs website.

National Senior Citizens Day (August 21st):  Created by Presidential Proclamation in 1988, National Senior Citizens Day honors and shows appreciation to the elders in our communities.  It also raises awareness of the need to continue supporting our elders as they face new struggles from ageing; senior citizens often face increased health issues and may be economically vulnerable.  The best ways to celebrate this day are to visit the elders in your family and community or to volunteer at senior care centers, meal delivery services, and other senior-based programs.  The University of Connecticut supports senior citizens through free educational initiatives, including Senior Citizen Audits for learners over 62, UConn Extension’s Center for Learning in Retirement (CLIR) for retirees and other adults from all walks of life, and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLII) where learners over 50 can expand their minds and connect with other learners.

Purple Heart Day (August 7th): This day honors American soldiers who were wounded or killed while serving their country on or after April 5, 1917.  The veteran community is important to UConn. The Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs (VAMP) provides student support services specifically for veterans, active service members, and their families attending UConn. Their services include certifying VA educational benefits, assisting students in their transition to life at UConn, and providing supplemental programs and activities to student veterans. VAMP works closely with the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD), which has a wealth of resources for veterans regardless of ability status. VAMP also works closely with state-based Veterans Centers that provide fully confidential mental and behavioral health assistance.

Women’s Equality Day (August 26th): Women’s Equality Day commemorates the certification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920, guaranteeing that every American can vote, regardless of gender.  Made into a national holiday in 1971, this day celebrates activists’ achievements in promoting equity and equality for women.  It also serves as a reminder of the need to continually advocate for gender-based equity and equality, as well as the need to dedicate resources to promoting and empowering women, including by combatting sexual- and gender-based violence.  At UConn, these imperatives are carried out by the Women’s Center, the Rainbow Center, the Title IX office, the UConn Foundation, the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, the Center for Career Development, and the UConn Health Women’s Center resources for expecting, pregnant, and parenting students, among other unit- and department-level resources.

Religious Holidays:

Muharram (July 19th – August 17th): Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar, second only to Ramadan in importance and holiness.  Many Muslims celebrate the first day of Muharram as the Islamic New Year (July 19th) marking the start of the lunar year. Muslims celebrate the new year by visiting the mosque, praying for well-being, and spending time with loved ones. They also traditionally cook something sweet to share when breaking their fast. Muharram also includes Ashura (July 27th – 28th), which mourns the martyrdom of Ḥusayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad. Traditions and celebrations vary across locations and between Shia and Sunni peoples – Sunnis consider this a day of respect but do not take part in mourning traditions.

Feast of the Assumption / Dormition of the Mother of God (August 15th): August 15th is widely celebrated among Roman Catholics, Eastern Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox Christians as the day Jesus’s mother, Mary, ascended to heaven in both body and soul. This is a holy day of obligation for Catholics. Celebrations might include festivals, processions, and planting a Mary Garden.

We welcome the celebration of each of these holidays on our campuses and encourage support for those requiring accommodations. You can find information and guidance about academic accommodations for religious observations on the Provost Office’s webpage.

To see more information about resources and events happening this month and throughout the semester, please visit our events page at  ODI writes these letters in collaboration with our partners across the UConn system. If we inadvertently omitted a cultural or religious holiday, please let us know by emailing us at



Frank, Anne, and Jeff

Frank Tuitt
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

Anne D’Alleva
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Jeffrey F. Hines, MD
Associate Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, UConn Health





July 2023 Heritage Celebrations

July 10, 2023

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost’s Office would like to remind you of several celebrations, commemorations, and moments of raising awareness for members of our community during the month of July:

Heritage Month Celebrations:

Disability Pride Day (July 26th) and Month: In the United States, Disability Pride Month is celebrated in July to commemorate the July 26th anniversary of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), which provides civil rights protections ensure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.  In 2008, the ADA was expanded with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) that expanded the definition of “disability” in order to simplify the process for establishing a disability in order to seek ADA protections. July 26th is celebrated as Disability Pride Day in honor of the ADA while Disability Pride Month provides an annual observance to promote visibility for the 160 million Americans with a disability and to raise awareness of about the pride felt by people with disabilities. Disability Pride Month explores the lives of people with disabilities in positive ways while also endeavoring to create spaces for people with disabilities to explore their own lives in positive and public ways.

UConn seeks to ensure that students with disabilities have the same access to programs, opportunities, and activities as all others at UConn. The primary pathway for providing that access comes from the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD), which offers a variety of programs and services for students with disabilities, including at UConn Health. Faculty and staff can also request OIE’s training to increase awareness and understanding of disability access and responsibilities at UConn. UConn also offers a Certificate of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies in Public Health.

French American Heritage Month: In the United States, July is designated as the month to celebrate the significant contributions made by to the United States by people of French descent. Approximately 12.5 million Americans are of French or French Canadian decent, including 750,000 Creole peoples. This month also celebrates historical events that cemented the important relationship between the United States and France.

Cultural and Federal Holidays:

Independence Day (July 4th): The 4th of July is a national holiday commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Though organized around celebrating American independence from England, July 4th also provides an opportunity to celebrate the diverse peoples and cultures who make up our nation.

Religious Holidays:

Karka Sankranti (July 16th): Karka Sankranti is a Hindu observance and festival that celebrates the sun’s journey from the Northern to the Southern hemisphere. This marks the end of the six-month Uttarayana period of the Hindu calendar and the start of Dakshinayana, which ends with January’s Marka Sankranti. Dedicated to the sun deity, Surya, Karka is typically celebrated through acts of charity.

Muharram (July 19th – August 17th): Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar, second only to Ramadan in importance and holiness.  Many Muslims celebrate the first day of Muharram as the Islamic New Year (July 19th) marking the start of the lunar year. Muslims celebrate the new year by visiting the mosque, praying for well-being, and spending time with loved ones. They also traditionally cook something sweet to share when breaking their fast. Muharram also includes Ashura (July 27th – 28th), which mourns the martyrdom of Ḥusayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad. Traditions and celebrations vary across locations and between Shia and Sunni peoples – Sunnis consider this a day of respect but do not take part in mourning traditions.

Hajj [Pilgrimage] (June 26th – July 1st): Hajj, or “pilgrimage” is one of the five pillars of Islam and a mandatory once-in-a-lifetime religious duty for all adult Muslims who are able.  During Hajj, millions make the pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, where they perform rituals to remind them that they are all equal before God and celebrate Islamic unity. Hajj is the most revered spiritual experience for Muslims.

Ashura (July 27th – 28th): This holy day for Muslims is celebrated on the tenth day of Muharram; this year, that falls on July 27th.  Traditions and celebrations vary across locations and between Shia and Sunni peoples.  Shia Muslims typically see it as the most important day of Muharram, which mourns the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.  For Sunni Muslims, Ashura commemorates the day God saved  Moses and his followers were saved from Pharaoh by creating a path in the Red Sea. 

Eid al-Adha (June 28th – July 2nd): Eid al-Adha is the second and holiest Islamic Eid festival of the year. Known as the “Festival of the Sacrifice” – or colloquially as “Big Eid” – Eid al-Adha honors the willingness of Ibrahim (known as Abraham in the Christian and Jewish traditions) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah; before Ibrahim carried out the command, however, Allah produced a lamb for him to sacrifice instead. Traditions vary from place to place, but celebrations typically include congregational prayers at a mosque, the sharing of meat, gift-giving, and inviting members of other faiths to opportunities that better acquaint them with Islam and Muslim culture.

Tisha B’av (July 26th – July 27th): This annual fast day mourns the destruction of the First Temple and Second Temple in Jerusalem on the same calendar day 655 years apart.  Tisha B’av is remembered by Jews all over the world to recall the sufferings of the Jewish people.  This day of mourning is typically held on the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av,  unless the ninth falls on Shabbat, in which case Tish B’av is celebrated on the tenth day of Av.

We welcome the celebration of each of these holidays on our campuses and encourage support for those requiring accommodations. You can find information and guidance about academic accommodations for religious observations on the Provost Office’s webpage.

To see more information about resources and events happening this month and throughout the semester, please visit our events page at ODI writes these letters in collaboration with our partners across the UConn system. If we inadvertently omitted a cultural or religious holiday, please let us know by emailing us at



Frank, Anne, and Jeff

Frank Tuitt
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

Anne D’Alleva
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Jeffrey F. Hines, MD
Associate Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, UConn Health





Juneteenth 2023

June 22, 2023

To the UConn Community:

On June 19, 1865, two and a half years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation on New Years’ Day 1863, the Union army liberated the last community of enslaved Americans in Galveston, Texas. All people held as slaves in the United States were finally free. This holiday became known as Juneteenth, or America’s second Independence Day.

Juneteenth has been celebrated by African American communities since the late 1800s. Thanks to the work of activists like Opal Lee, the “Grandmother of Juneteenth,” national awareness spread. In 2021, Congress declared Juneteenth to be a federal holiday, soon followed by declarations from 28 states, including Connecticut. Though Connecticut has commemorated it since 2001, this year is the first in which Juneteenth is an official State holiday. Today, communities across the state will celebrate freedom and the African American communities that have contributed so much.

Juneteenth also provides a moment to reflect on the terrible toll of slavery and its legacies of systemic racism and inequality that continue today. Rather than rewriting our history to ignore our worst moments, Juneteenth provides us a day to recommit ourselves to the freedom we hold so sacred, especially by committing ourselves to equity, equality, and justice.

As a community, we must pledge to continue raising our voices in support of freedom and in support of abolishing barriers that limit people’s freedoms. We must demand the abolition of hate and racism, sexism and sexually based harassment and violence, homophobia and transphobia, antisemitism and islamophobia, xenophobia, and of all other forms of identity-based oppression.

As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds us, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” This Juneteenth, let us commit to being the change we want to see to make our campuses, community, and country more equitable, equal, and just. Let us commit to being the light! Happy Juneteenth National Independence Day!

The Provost’s Office
The Office for Diversity and Inclusion
The African American Cultural Center
The Office for Diversity and Inclusion, UConn Health

Synchrony JEDI Research Faculty Fellow

June 15, 2023

ODI is seeking a Faculty Fellow for the upcoming year to be a part of the Synchrony Equity-Focused Student Success Initiative designed to increase rates of student success for students of color, low-income, and other student populations traditionally minoritized in higher education. One area of focus within this initiative is to enhance faculty and student research to support inclusive student experiences at UConn.

Toward this goal, UConn will fund and centralize a new Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Research focus for fellows and minoritized undergraduate students: This initiative will allow the faculty fellow and students to engage in research that works with minoritized students to understand what programs are working and which ones need to be developed to meet the needs of these students. The inaugural Synchrony JEDI Faculty Fellow will be located at the UConn Hartford campus but work with students from the Stamford and Waterbury campuses as well.

General duties for this strategic area include:

  1. The ODI Synchrony JEDI Faculty Fellow will lead a research team composed of three JEDI undergraduate student research assistants at Waterbury, Stamford, and Hartford regional campuses to engage in institutional research to understand what programs are working and which ones we would need to be adjusted to meet the needs of historically excluded and underserved students.
  2. Established baseline data for all dimensions of the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) Survey and identify where equity gaps exist.
  3. Examine existing resources already in place to address areas where equity gaps exist and identification of 3-4 areas to prioritize for needing innovative solutions.
  4. Provide a report on baseline data and present findings to institutional leaders.

Application Process: If you are interested in nominating yourself for the Synchrony JEDI Faculty Fellow, we ask that you submit a letter of interest (2 pages single-spaced) in response to the following prompts:

  1. Briefly explain how this is an area of interest and expertise.
  2. Beyond the scope of this program, what are some of the long-term possibilities for the work you would like to engage in related to DEI?
  3. What are some potential indicators of success for your participation in this program?

In addition, each nomination must be accompanied with a letter of support from the person’s respective academic dean addressing the following questions:

  1. How has this faculty member contributed to the advancement of DEI in your unit and/ or UConn more broadly?
  2. How might this faculty member benefit from participating in this leadership development opportunity
  3. Describe your support of this faculty member for the ODI Faculty Fellow program.
  4. How might this proposed work align with strategic initiatives in your unit?

Please note that ODI will select only one Faculty Fellow for this position. Both the nominee’s letter of interest and the Dean’s letter of support can be emailed together (if possible, as one PDF) to: Please put “Faculty Fellows” in the email subject line. Deadline for submission of nominations: July 28th, 2023.

Resources All ODI Faculty Fellows will receive the following during the 2023-24 academic year:

  • Funds of $7,500 to be used to participate in external DEI and leadership training or to attend relevant conferences during the term of the fellowship.
  • A course release arranged in consultation with the department head and dean.
  • An assigned leadership mentor in the Office for Diversity and Inclusion to advise on professional development, leadership competency, and progress.

ODI Faculty Fellows Program: Purpose and Description

The establishment of the ODI Faculty Fellows Program provides leadership opportunities in support of creating a sustainable capacity-building model for diversity and inclusion across academic colleges/schools and campuses at UConn. Toward that end, the ODI Faculty Fellows will be positioned to serve as a resource and platform for DEIJ innovation and transformation.

Each ODI Faculty Fellow commits to a minimum of one academic year to the role. The position may be renewed at the discretion of ODI and the Faculty Fellow’s dean. Potential candidates can self-nominate but must have a letter of support from their academic deans.

Benefits to the Institution: Faculty Fellows will serve as DEIJ specialists providing support to strategic efforts to advance DEIJ planning and development within and across academic units. The Faculty Fellow will, through their affiliation with ODI, leverage university-level insights and resources to support institution-wide and unit level DEI efforts and response.

Benefits to the Faculty Fellow: ODI will provide the Faculty Fellow with compensatory resources, including but not limited to a course release arranged in consultation with the department head and dean; an assigned leadership mentor in the Office for Diversity & Inclusion to advise on professional development, leadership competency, and progress; and funds of $7,500 to be used to participate in external DEI and leadership training or to attend relevant conferences during the term of the fellowship. This intentional experience will be structured to support potential readiness for future leadership opportunities.

UConn Foundation’s Pride 2023 Avatars

June 5, 2023

The UConn Foundation is pleased to provide the UConn Community with Pride 2023 avatars!  Please show support for the LGBTQIA+ community by using this avatar in Microsoft Teams or social media.


June 2023 Heritage Celebrations

June 2, 2023

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost’s Office would like to remind you of several celebrations, commemorations, and moments of raising awareness for members of our community during the month of June:

Heritage Month Celebrations:

LGBTQIA+ Pride Month: June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month in the United States. Pride affirms the many identities within the LGBTQIA+ community while creating spaces for individuals to show up as their most authentic selves. This month celebrates LGBTQIA+ cultures, achievements, and activism while also remembering violence committed against this community and raising awareness about persistent inequalities facing every community. Pride was first celebrated in 1970 on the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, a watershed moment in modern activism in which LGBTQIA+ individuals – many of them Black and Brown – protested police brutality and shifted conversations about human rights in the United States. Instrumental to the Stonewall Uprising were Marsha P Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, the first trans women of color to lead an organization in the US. Johnson and Rivera worked dedicated their lives to social justice, amplifying the voices of people of color and low-income trans communities in the struggle for equality.

While the LGBTQIA+ movement is often portrayed as a movement of white gay men, Johnson and Rivera remind us that the movement’s social justice work was driven by Black and Brown activists. Black and Brown LGBTQIA+ activists like Johnson and Rivera have been instrumental in police reform, mental health awareness, advocating for sexual health and healthy attitudes about sexuality, and raising awareness about bodily rights and gendered and sexualized violence. Pride provides an opportunity for greater unity, visibility, and equality for the LGBTQIA+ community and for continuing to advocate for human rights. This month, we celebrate all that has been achieved in advocating for human rights but recognize that much remains to be done.

There is no singular way to celebrate Pride; dates, traditions, and length of celebrations change by location. Typically, celebrations involve marches, speeches, outdoor festivals, concerts, performances, and workshops. The Office for Diversity and Inclusion prefers not to limit celebrations of the LGBTQIA+ community to June; rather, we believe in celebrating the community year-round. The Rainbow Center has events, programs, and initiatives to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community throughout the year. UConn Library has put together a Pride Collection and a LGBTQIA+ Community Wellness Guide, and UConn Health has put together a list of LGBTQ+ resources. UConn School of Social Work supports LGBTQIA+ community through the National SOGIE Center, as well as the Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity, which will hold a Pride Month Series on Native and Indigenous LGBTQIA+ youth.

National Caribbean American Heritage Month: This heritage month was established in 2006 to create and disseminate knowledge about the contributions of Caribbean people to the United States. At UConn, we create and disseminate knowledge of Caribbean contributions, customs, and cultures through El Instituto: Institute of Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies; through the Africana Studies Institute; and through UConn Library’s collection on Latin American and Caribbean Studies. UConn students, staff, and faculty can find more programming, resources, and spaces of belonging at the Puerto Rican / Latin American Cultural Center and the African American Cultural Center.

National Immigrant Heritage Month: First launched in 2014 and first recognized by the President in 2022, National Immigrant Heritage Month celebrates immigrants and their countless contributions to the history and culture of the United States. The goal of this month is to provide people across the United States with an opportunity to honor their own heritage while also recognizing the diverse experiences that make the United States unique. This year’s theme is #CelebrateImmigrants, which highlights the stories of individual immigrants to explore the ways that diversity enriches our communities.

UConn is enriched by the immigrant communities that live, learn, and work across all five campuses, UConn Health, and UConn Law. UConn has several resources available to immigrant communities, including the Human Rights Institute’s partnership with nonprofit services like Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services and the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants. UConn Health also provides educational resources about providing care for refugee and immigrant patients.

Cultural and Federal Holidays:

Father’s Day (June 18th): In the United States, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. While other countries have similar days of commemoration, dates and traditions may vary. In the US, Father’s Day was created in 1910 to complement Mother’s Day; its founder, Sonora Smart Dodd, wanted to honor her father, who raised six children as a widower. It was made into a federal holiday in 1972. This June, we honor all paternal figures, caregivers, and mentors whose contributions enrich our lives.

Flag Day (June 14th): Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the American Flag in June of 1777 and coincides with the birthdate of the American military in 1775. Though not a federal holiday, June 14th provides an opportunity to reflect on the ideals the flag stands for. In particular, it provides an opportunity to reflect on diversity, one of America’s founding ideals and greatest strengths.

It also provides an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices made to preserve those ideals. The Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs (VAMP) provides student support services specifically for veterans, active service members, and their families attending UConn. Their services include certifying VA educational benefits, assisting students in their transition to life at UConn, and providing supplemental programs and activities to student veterans. VAMP works closely with the Center for Students for Disabilities, which has a wealth of resources for veterans regardless of ability status. VAMP also works closely with state-based Veterans Centers that provide fully confidential mental and behavioral health assistance.

Juneteenth (June 19th): Juneteenth, also known as America’s Second Independence Day, commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is observed on June 19th, the day in 1865 that Union troops arrived in the last slave-owning community in the country to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation issued more than two years earlier. Though Juneteenth has been celebrated by African American communities since the late 1800s, it only became an official federal holiday in 2021, when President Biden made it the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 1983. This year, the Connecticut legislature designated Juneteenth as an official state holiday, starting in 2023.

Juneteenth celebrates African American achievement while encouraging continuous self-development and respect for all cultures. Celebrations typically involve guest speakers or lectures to promote education and self-improvement; community elders who recount events in the past; prayer services; barbecues; and parades. More than anything, Juneteenth is about being in a supportive community. The Office for Diversity and Inclusion prefers not to limit celebrations of Black and African American communities to June; rather, we believe in celebrating the community year-round, including through the African American Cultural Center and the Africana Studies Institute, our leading spaces of community building and education about the history, culture, contributions, and experiences of people of African descent in the United States. This year, UConn Health is sponsoring a blood drive in Hartford, as well as a Juneteenth event at Hill-Stead Museum in Farmington.

Most of all, Juneteenth is a celebration of freedom. It serves as a reminder of the moral stain of slavery on our country and raises awareness of the continued legacy of systemic racism and inequality. It also provides an opportunity to recommit ourselves to the work of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice; as a community, we must pledge to continue to lift every voice in support of the abolition of hate and racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and other forms of oppression.

World Refugee Day (June 20th): World Refugee Day honors the strength and courage of refugees. It encourages public awareness and support for people forced to flee their homelands because of war, terror, natural disaster, or other crises. Created by the United Nations in 2001 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Related to the Status of Refugees, World Refugee Day is an opportunity to build empathy and understanding for refugees’ plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.

UConn is deeply concerned about the refugee crisis. UConn has several resources available to help those whose quest for safety led them to Connecticut, including UConn Law’s Asylum and Human Rights Clinic and the Human Rights Institute’s partnership with nonprofit services like Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services and the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants. The Human Rights Institute leads UConn’s educational resources, including through the Human Rights Major for undergraduates. UConn Health also provides educational resources about providing care for refugee and immigrant patients. Students can get involved through the Huskies for Refugees club.

Religious Holidays:

The Martyrdom of Guru Dev Sahib (June 16th): This Sikh holiday celebrates the life of Guru Arjan Dev, one of the ten Gurus who pioneered Sikhism. It also commemorates his role as the first martyr for Sikhism. This holiday celebrates his life, and is honored by reading the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib.

The Hajj [Pilgrimage] (June 26th – July 1st): Hajj, or “pilgrimage” is one of the five pillars of Islam and a mandatory once-in-a-lifetime religious duty for all adult Muslims who are able. During Hajj, millions make the pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, where they perform rituals to remind them that they are all equal before God and celebrate Islamic unity. Hajj is the most revered spiritual experience for Muslims.

Eid al-Adha (June 28th – July 2nd): Eid al-Adha is the second and holiest Islamic Eid festival of the year. Known as the “Festival of the Sacrifice” – or colloquially as “Big Eid” – Eid al-Adha honors the willingness of Ibrahim (known as Abraham in the Christian and Jewish traditions) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah; before Ibrahim carried out the command, however, Allah produced a lamb for him to sacrifice instead. Traditions vary from place to place, but celebrations typically include congregational prayers at a mosque, the sharing of meat, gift-giving, and inviting members of other faiths to opportunities that better acquaint them with Islam and Muslim culture.

We welcome the celebration of each of these holidays on our campuses and encourage support for those requiring accommodations. You can find information and guidance about academic accommodations for religious observations on the Provost Office’s webpage.

To see more information about resources and events happening this month and throughout the semester, please visit our events page at ODI writes these letters in collaboration with our partners across the UConn system. If we inadvertently omitted a cultural or religious holiday, please let us know by emailing us at


Anne and Frank

Anne D’Alleva
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Frank Tuitt
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

A Message for Pride 2023

June 1, 2023

Happy Pride from the Rainbow Center and the Office for Diversity and Inclusion! Pride celebrates LGBTQIA+ identities, achievements, and activism. It began with Christopher Street Liberation Day, which was held on June 28, 1970 to recognize the first anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, a watershed moment in modern LGBTQIA+ civil rights and activism. The Rainbow Center continues the work made visible by the first Pride celebration by operating in the service of a more equitable world for all students, faculty, and staff at the University of Connecticut. Simply put, the Rainbow Center is here to support the LGBTQIA+ communities at UConn. We celebrate you and are here to help you show up as your most complete self.

The Rainbow Center and ODI invite students, staff, faculty, and community members to celebrate Pride 2023. This year, we would like to emphasize the importance of visibility for members of the LGBTQIA+ community who are willing and able, as well as the critical need for LGBTQIA+ allies to be visible in showing their support. Legislation across the country, including in the state of Connecticut, is attempting to render LGBTQIA+ communities invisible and erase our existence. As we celebrate Pride, we encourage everyone to resist this attempt at erasure by being visible. We are here. We are proud. We will not be erased. Here are a few ways and opportunities to emphasize visibility in this year’s Pride celebrations:

Celebrate Queer/Trans Joy: For LGBTQIA+ folx, the most important aspect of Pride is taking care of yourself and celebrating or commemorating Pride in whatever ways that feel best to you. We value you as part of our community, and your joy is important to us. In addition to attending our events, we recommend you check out the National Center for Transgender Equality’s “Finding Joy: Trans Day of Visibility 2023” for more celebrations of you.For advocates and allies, the most important aspect is showing the LGBTQIA+ communities that they matter. It is especially important to show genuine support in this moment, not only because of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation, but also because of the performative nature of prevalent corporate sponsorship, which sells rainbow gear in June while supporting that legislation through their annual political donations.

Be Visible: Visibility is an important act of resistance against attempts to erase LGBTQIA+ identity. We invite members of the LGBTQIA+ community for whom it is safe to do so, as well as advocates and allies across the UConn system, to participate in the Rainbow Center’s Pride Visibility Campaign. Fill out the form and include a headshot, which we will convert to a Pride headshot that can be used as an avatar for social media or Microsoft Teams. You can also choose to have your avatar featured on our social media.Unfortunately, it is not always safe for members of the LGBTQIA+ community to visibly identify themselves. As such, we feel it is especially important for those of us who are willing, able, and safe to identify ourselves to show them support and community.

Educate Yourself About the Challenges We Face: We invite you to check out these events and resources for supporting the LGBTQIA+ community:

    • Rainbow Center’s Out To Lunch Pride Edition: students, staff, faculty, and community members are invited to the Rainbow Center on Thursday, June 22, from 12:00 – 2:00 PM. Lunch will be served. Come get to know Rainbow Center staff and watch the FORGE webinar, “State-Sanctioned Hate: The Impacts of the “Culture Wars” on Trans Lives.” Please RSVP here.
    • Rainbow Center’s Symposium: Join us on Friday, October 13, 2023, during LGBTQIA+ History Month, for a day-long event promoting empathy, teaching queer pedagogy, exploring identity and college success, and educating about mental health. Registration is open now.
    • Check out UConn School of Social Work’s Innovations Institute’s free webinars.
    • Consider following national organizations advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights such as the National LGBTQ Task Force and GLSEN.

Be in Community with UConn’s LGBTQIA+ populations:

      • Attend UConn’s QBIPOC Pride event on Wednesday, June 14th, in the VIP Room at Spare Time Vernon (50 Talcottville Rd, Vernon, CT 06066). *Please note: This event is primarily for BIPOC folx to feel supported and be in community.
      • Attend Queer UConn Employees’ Pride Month Celebration on Wednesday, June 21, at the Spot and Bar Grill (200 Merrow Road, Tolland, CT). Free appetizers while they last! Cash bar.
      • UConn Alumni can go to the UConn Foundation to register to receive a limited-edition UConn Pride Pack.
      • Consider donating gently used or new clothes to the Rainbow Center Gender Affirming Closet or make a gift to the Rainbow Center Fund. We are especially in need of clothes for students to wear to job interviews/networking events.
      • Join in the Rainbow Center’s 25th anniversary celebration events this Fall. Make sure to check the Rainbow Center’s website later this summer for more details!

The Rainbow Center and ODI are proud to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community year-round. We wish you a happy Pride month and look forward to seeing you at these events!

Kelsey O’Neil
Director, Rainbow Center

Frank Tuitt
Vice President / Chief Diversity Officer

Provost D’Alleva Statement: Anti-Black Racism Course Requirement

May 19, 2023

Dear colleagues,

On May 1, the University Senate voted to take the important step of creating a social justice requirement within UConn’s curriculum. The new social justice requirement focuses on the one-credit “Anti-Black Racism” course (ABR) that has been offered as an elective since fall 2021.

I want to recognize the students who demonstrated strong leadership in moving this proposal forward and advocating for educating to end racism and all forms of discrimination; the faculty who developed this course and proposed requirement; and the senators who engaged in a thoughtful discussion of the issues.

Because the new requirement passed after the catalogue deadline for the 2023-24 academic year, it will go into effect in 2024-25. This allows time to plan for its implementation. As the discussion in the senate demonstrated, there are still a number of questions that need to be settled regarding the new requirement. Questions raised included how the course will be situated within the new Common Curriculum, especially in relation to the three-credit diversity requirement; the impact of the new requirement on high-credit majors; and questions of logistics and funding. Several senators also spoke to the possibility of offering multiple courses to fulfill the social justice requirement. ABR has already inspired and provided a template for other pop-up courses, including “Why the Jews? Confronting Antisemitism” and “Confronting Anti-Asian Racism.” All of these have the potential to build on and extend the foundation established by the ABR course and help us as a community to strive for a more equitable and inclusive university and broader society.

The Senate’s Common Curriculum Committee is working with the Provost’s Office to form an implementation subcommittee for the new requirement, to address these and other issues, beginning in fall 2023. During the fall 2023-24 academic year, I will continue to fund ABR and other pop-up courses, which have proved to be highly popular electives taken by thousands of students.

UConn stands strong in opposing racism and all forms of discrimination. An education at our university must provide many opportunities to confront the history and current reality of injustice and human rights abuses, and we expect our students to be leaders in creating a more just and equitable world. ABR and the curricular changes that are in development are a powerful point of departure from the status quo.


Anne D’Alleva

May 2023 Heritage Celebrations

May 8, 2023

To the UConn Community:

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost’s Office would like to remind you of several celebrations, commemorations, and moments of raising awareness for members of our community during the month of May:

Heritage Month Celebrations:

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month: May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. This national heritage celebration began in 1978 when Congress established a week to honor the contributions Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders have made to the United States. Congress selected the first ten days of May for this celebration to commemorate two important milestones in US history: the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants (May 7, 1843) and the completion of the trans-continental railroad (May 10, 1869), which was built primarily by Chinese workers. This celebration was expanded to a full month in 1992. UConn celebrates Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islanders contributions in April, so students, faculty, and staff can participate in events and celebrations.

Haitian Heritage Month: This national heritage month celebrates Haitian culture and traditions. It is an expansion of Haitian Flag Day (May 18th), which commemorates Haiti’s revolution from France and the formation of the world’s first Black republic. Haitian Flag Day is honored both in Haiti and by Haitians living in diaspora, especially in the US, which is home to the largest Haitian diaspora in the world. Haitian Heritage Month was first celebrated in Boston in 1998 and became a national celebration after President George W. Bush honored it in 2005. Events include parades, flag raisings, and exhibits honoring Haitian culture, art, food, and traditions. UConn has two organizations for Haitian and Haitian American students: Aiding in Haitian Education, Advancement, and Development (AHEAD) and the Haitian Student Association.

Jewish American Heritage Month: This national heritage month recognizes more than 350 years of Jewish contributions to the United States, paying tribute to generations of Jewish Americans who helped form the fabric of American history, culture, and society. Though first recognized in April 2006, this month is commemorated in May to honor the first Jewish migrants to North America, who arrived in New York (then called New Amsterdam) after fleeing persecution in May of 1654. There are several organizations for Jewish students, staff, and faculty at UConn, including Hillel, Chabad, and the Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Life (Storrs and Stamford), which sponsors the American Jewish Year Book to provide the most up-to-date information about Jewish life in North America. The Center also has several educational resources and lectures available for free, and sponsors a 1-credit course on Confronting Antisemitism.

Mental Health Awareness Month: Mental Health Awareness month raises awareness about our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, and educates the public about mental health, living with mental health conditions, and strategies for improving mental health and wellness. Of particular concern is suicide prevention. Over the last few years, many people have reported feeling that current events are taking a toll on their mental health, whether from the stress, isolation, and uncertainty in a pandemic, or from social justice issues and political unrest. These have been particularly hard on historically minoritized peoples, who have increasingly been targeted for harassment and violence.

Whatever you may be going through, UConn has tools, resources, and programs to support you: Student Health and Wellness (SHaW)’s resources for mental health at Storrs and at the regional campuses; student wellness resources at UConn Health; HR’s mental health resources; resources for suicide prevention; the Student Care Team, which responds to concerns about individual student health and wellness; Holistic Huskies, a podcast on student mental health experiences; and UConn’s Wellness Coalition, a space for students to come together and develop innovative solutions to health and wellness issues on campus. The Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs (VAMP) also has on-campus and off-campus resources specifically for military veterans.

Military Appreciation Month and Memorial Day (May 30): Memorial Day began as a day set aside for families and friends to visit and decorate the graves of loved ones lost during the American Civil War. Congress made Memorial Day an official holiday in 1971, setting aside the last Monday in May to honor all who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the United States. Congress began recognizing Military Appreciation month in 1999 to honor all service members past and present, as well as those associated with them including children of fallen soldiers, spouses, caregivers, and others who served and sacrificed along with military members. Military Appreciation Month includes Military Spouse Appreciation Day (5/12), Children of Fallen Patriots Day (5/13), Armed Forces Day (5/20), and Memorial Day (5/29), and coincides with Military Caregiver Month.

UConn honors members of the military and their families. Because Memorial Day falls after the spring semester has ended, The Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs (VAMP) will not be holding a UConn specific event. The office would like to encourage everyone to attend an event to remember and mourn the U.S. military members who have died while serving our country. A list of some events happening throughout Connecticut can be found here: Memorial Day Weekend 2023 in Connecticut – Dates (

UConn also recognizes that veterans and service members face unique challenges in higher education. VAMP provides student support services specifically for veterans, active service members, and their families who are attending UConn. Their services include certifying VA educational benefits, assisting students in their transition to life at UConn, and providing supplemental programs and activities to student veterans. VAMP works closely with the Center for Students for Disabilities (CSD), which has a wealth of resources for veterans regardless of ability status.

Older Americans Month: This heritage month was established by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 to acknowledge the contributions of older persons in the country and raise awareness about this community’s growing needs and concerns. Ageism is a systematic issue in the United States, despite a rapidly aging population. While this year celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967, which prohibits discrimination against workers over the age of 40 during all stages of employment, there is still a long way to go in ensuring the wellbeing and care of older populations. This year’s Older Americans Month theme is “Aging Unbound,” which offers opportunities to explore diverse aging experiences, as well as to discuss combating stereotypes. This month provides an opportunity to promote flexible thinking about how we all benefit when older adults remain engaged, independent, and included.

The University of Connecticut supports senior citizens through free educational initiatives, including Senior Citizen Audits for learners over 62, UConn Extension’s Center for Learning in Retirement (CLIR) for retirees and other adults from all walks of life, and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) where learners over 50 can expand their minds and connect with other learners.

Cultural and Federal Holidays:

Cinco de Mayo (May 5th): Cinco de Mayo is an annual celebration of the Mexican military’s defeat of the Second French Empire in the Battle of Puebla in 1862. This holiday is not widely celebrated in Mexico; rather, it is often treated as a drinking holiday in the United States, often erroneously celebrating Mexican Independence Day, which is on September 16th. Unfortunately, treating Cinco de Mayo as a drinking holiday often results in rampant cultural appropriation and negative stereotypes about Mexicans and Mexican Americans. A good way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is to read the real story about the holiday and to support Mexican-owned businesses in your community.

Mother’s Day (May 14): In the United States, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. While other countries have similar days of commemoration, dates and traditions vary. The American version of Mother’s Day was created in 1905 to honor the sacrifices mothers make for their children. Though originally a day of celebration for individuals and families, it was heavily commercialized after President Woodrow Wilson declared it a federal holiday in 1914. The Women’s Center offers an ongoing group for mothers at UConn, Moms4Moms. Open to mothers employed or enrolled at UConn, this group works to enlighten, empower, engage, and educate moms. It also provides opportunities to network and build community, as well as an inclusive space to talk about the joys and hardships of motherhood. For all the mothers and the mothers-at-heart, thank you for your care and kindness. For those who have lost a child, lost a mother, or are yearning to be a mother, we see you and honor you.

National Nurses Week (May 6th-12th), International Nurses Day (May 12th): International Nurses Day is celebrated globally every May 12th, the birthday of Florence Nightingale. In the United States, the week leading up to International Nurses Day is National Nurses Week, which celebrates the profession and provides opportunities to promote understanding and appreciation of the invaluable contributions nurses make to our society. This year’s theme is “You Make a Difference,” which honors the unparalleled impact nurses have on healthcare, the varying roles nurses play, and the positive impacts they have on everyone’s lives. We especially appreciate the nurses who work to meet the healthcare needs of the UConn campus communities, including the Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses at Student Health and Wellness, whose invaluable contributions make it possible to provide outstanding student-centered healthcare, and who work on the frontlines of advocating for student health and wellness and supporting students’ efforts to develop health and wellness knowledge. Thank you for all you do!

There will be several National Nurses Week celebrations across the UConn system. The UConn School of Nursing will be honoring National Nurses Week by promoting current students and alumni on social media, reposting nursing photos that include #UConnNursing. School of Nursing faculty and staff will also attend recruitment events throughout the state to promote the school’s role in building a resilient and highly qualified nursing workforce. UConn Health will also recognize its nurses and the important work they have been doing for the people of Connecticut. UConn Health will also highlight the 2023 Nightingale Award winners for their excellence in nursing. Make sure to check out their YouTube channel and UConn Today for more!

Religious Holidays:

Shauvot (May 25th – May 27th): Shauvot commemorates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai over 3,300 years ago. Traditionally, Shauvot is celebrated by staying up all night reading Jewish texts (especially the Book of Ruth), listening to the Ten Commandments in synagogue, and enjoying dairy foods.

Buddha Day (May 26th): Buddha Day, also known as Buddha Jayanti, celebrates the birth of the founder of Buddhism, Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who later became the Gautama Buddha. Buddha Day is a lunar holiday and usually falls during the first full moon of May. Buddha’s birth is celebrated as part of the Vesak festival, which honors the three major events in his life: his birth, his enlightenment, and his death. Buddhists celebrate Vesak by decorating temples with flowers, singing hymns and laying down offerings, and “bathing of the Buddha,” a ritual in which water is poured over small statues of the Buddha to cleanse bad karma and to reenact the events following his birth, when devas and spirits showered him with sacred waters from the sky. Buddhists are encouraged to do small acts of kindness, to refrain from any kind of killing, and to eat vegetarian food.

We welcome the celebration of each of these holidays on our campuses and encourage support for those requiring accommodations. You can find information and guidance about academic accommodations for religious observations on the Provost Office’s webpage.

To see more information about resources and events happening this month and throughout the semester, please visit our events page at ODI writes these letters in collaboration with our partners across the UConn system. If we inadvertently omitted a cultural or religious holiday, please let us know by emailing us at


Frank, Anne, and Jeff

Frank Tuitt
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

Anne D’Alleva
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Jeffrey F. Hines, MD
Associate Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, UConn Health