Professional Development

UConn4A Mentorship Program: Interviewing 101 Workshop (6/14)

UConn Asian American Alumni Association (UConn4A) Mentorship Program Presents: Interviewing 101 Workshop Come and sharpen your interviewing skills in this interactive workshop! You’ll have the opportunity to learn from our speakers, mock interviews with experienced professionals, and be able to answer any question with confidence! **This event is open to all UConn undergraduate students and […]

6th Annual Women of Color in the Academy Conference (4/29)

ODI invites you to register for the 6th Annual Women of Color in the Academy Conference. This year’s conference theme is Return to Love: Honoring the Legacy of bell hooks. The overall conference goal is to facilitate a more diverse academy by enhancing the timely career progression of faculty. Administrators, staff, post-doctoral scholars and late stage […]