In Support of the Anti-Black Racism Course Gen Ed Requirement

May 1, 2023

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion supports the Senate proposal to require every undergraduate student at UConn to pass the one-credit course titled “U.S. Anti-Black Racism” as part of the baccalaureate degree requirements. We believe that this course is a necessary next step in strengthening an inclusive and equitable campus climate that supports the success of our increasingly diverse student population.

UConn has made tremendous strides in increasing diversity over the last decade. In 2014, President Susan Herbst convened the Diversity Task Force, which, in addition to affirming diversity as one of UConn’s core values, recommended that the University improve the compositional diversity of its student body. UConn has since consistently welcomed increasingly diverse incoming classes. This year, for example, over 25% of incoming students come from racial or ethnic groups that are historically underrepresented in higher education. Moreover, 27.5% are first-generation-to college; 30% come from low-income backgrounds; and 47% identify as people of color. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), the research about student body diversity is clear: increasing diversity improves academic experiences for all students, both in the classroom and beyond, and better prepares students to lead lives as exemplary citizens and members of a pluralistic society.

While we celebrate increases to compositional diversity, we also recognize that increased diversity, alone, is insufficient to enhance the educational experience for all students; rather, it is only a first step in the process. According to the APA, the educational benefits of diversity are enhanced when universities prioritize curriculum that attends to systemic structures and obstacles to academic achievement. Specifically, the APA argues that engaging issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the classroom helps students engage across differences while also broadening their range of scholarly interests and endeavors. The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), adds to this, arguing that the full educational benefits of diversity can only be realized when universities commit to addressing systemic structures of racism and to challenging individual and organizational assumptions about both race and racism.

Making the anti-Black racism course part of every undergraduate student’s degree requirement will demonstrate UConn’s continued commitment to diversity while also improving the quality of education for all students. We feel that this course is an important starting point for addressing barriers to success on our campus and in our society, especially given the spate of anti-Black racism that was made apparent by the murder of George Floyd in 2020 and that persists in current efforts to ban Critical Race Theory. Based on our research of the top 30 public universities in the US—90% of whom are taking similar steps—we also believe that approving this proposal will provide a gateway for other courses about other groups whose historical exclusion and identity-based oppression is obvious in nationwide increases to anti-Asian racism, anti-Brown racism, antisemitism, islamophobia, and gender and sexuality-based harassment and violence.

Making the anti-Black racism course a requirement for every Husky undergraduate is not the final step, but it is the necessary next step in improving the living and learning experiences at UConn, and in enhancing the value of a UConn education.

TRHT Research Showcase (5/10)

April 28, 2023

The Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Research Showcase will feature research posters from students, staff, and faculty all across campus that center diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.

The showcase will be on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at the Hartford Times Building at UConn Hartford. The poster sessions will take place from 4:00-5:00 with a plenary session from 5:00-6:00 entitled From Burnside to Bedside: Overcoming Racism's Impact on Healthcare featuring Christopher Steele, MD, MPH; Henry Siccardi, MD, MPH; and Reiner Gonzalez, BS.

This research day is a part of a series of events centered around the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation initiative and is sponsored by the Office for Diversity and Inclusion and UConn Hartford. For more information on TRHT please see

If you plan on attending please RSVP here:

ODI Faculty Fellows Program

April 20, 2023

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) Faculty Fellows support the advancement of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) at the University of Connecticut. For the 2023-2024 academic year, ODI is planning to sponsor up to 3 Faculty Fellows.

The ODI Faculty Fellows program provides leadership opportunities within and across the University in support of our mission to “advocate for access and equity, to welcome and celebrate the experiences of historically excluded and racially oppressed individuals and groups and to transform institutional climate and build a more welcoming and inclusive community” (ODI Mission Statement).

ODI Faculty Fellows: Purpose and Description

The ODI Faculty Fellows will be positioned to serve as a resource for DEIJ innovation and transformation. Faculty Fellows will serve as DEIJ specialists providing support to strategic efforts to advance DEIJ planning and development within and across academic units. The Faculty Fellow will, through their affiliation with ODI, leverage university-level insights and resources to support institution-wide and unit-level DEIJ efforts and response.
Each ODI Faculty Fellow will be situated in a strategic area of work over the academic year. In addition to area focused efforts to advance DEI, ODI Faculty Fellows will be expected to participate in bi-monthly meetings with ODI representatives; participate in training and development opportunities hosted by ODI; and submit a mid-year and annual report detailing their activities, accomplishments, and overall impact. The hours may range as the semester work unfolds, but on average the Faculty Fellow will commit to 4-8 hours a week to ODI during their time in the role.


ODI Faculty Fellows will receive:

  • Funds of $7,500 to be used to participate in external DEI and leadership training or to attend relevant conferences during the term of the fellowship.
  • A course release arranged in consultation with the department head and dean.
  • An assigned leadership mentor in the Office for Diversity and Inclusion to advise on professional development, leadership competency, and progress.

This intentional experience will be structured to support potential readiness for future leadership opportunities.

Strategic Areas of Work

For the upcoming year, we are seeking faculty fellows who will work in support of the following three strategic areas:

  1. Middle Eastern Cultural ProgramsIn collaboration with the Director of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives, this faculty fellow role will provide support for Middle Eastern Cultural Programs. MECP’s mission includes celebrating the intersectionality of identities, which it plans to achieve in partnership with units and departments like Middle Eastern Studies, Hillel, the Islamic Center, and the Abrahamic Program.

    General duties for this strategic area include:
    1.Provide advocacy and support for students’ concerns; provide information, referral, and appropriate counsel to individuals seeking support.
    2. Organize periodic programs designed to provide awareness and understanding of current issues impacting the social, cultural, and educational success of MECP students at UConn.
    3. Assist in researching diversity and inclusion topics related to the Middle Eastern issues and prepare reports of findings, as needed.
    4. Liaise with relevant stakeholders and communities external to the University.
    5. Foster relationships with faculty, academic departments, and programs to further the academic mission of the program and facilitate student support, mentoring services, and academically geared programming.

  2. Synchrony JEDI Student Success InitiativeUConn is developing a Synchrony Equity-Focused Student Success Initiative to increase rates of student success for minority, low-income, and other student populations traditionally minoritized in higher education. One area of focus within this initiative is to enhance faculty and student research to support inclusive student experiences at UConn. Toward this goal, UConn will fund and centralize a new Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Research focus for fellows and minoritized undergraduate students: This initiative will allow faculty and students to engage in research that works with minoritized students to understand what programs are working and which ones we would need to implement to meet the needs of these students. These create tailored support at each campus focused on student input. One ODI JEDI Faculty Fellow will be situated at one of the following regional campuses: Stamford, Hartford, and Waterbury.

    General duties for this strategic area include:
    1. Lead a research team composed of three JEDI undergraduate student research assistants at Waterbury, Stamford, and Hartford Regional campuses to engage in institutional research to understand what programs are working and which ones we would need to be adjusted to meet the needs of historically excluded and underserved students.
    2. Establish baseline data for all dimensions of the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) Survey and identify where equity gaps exist.
    3. Examine existing resources already in place to address areas where equity gaps exist and identify 3-4 areas to prioritize for innovative solutions.
    4. Provide a report on baseline data and present findings to institutional leaders and relevant stakeholders

  3. UCHC Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation

In Fall 2022, the University of Connecticut was selected as a Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center. TRHT is an initiative being advanced by the American Association for Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF). TRHT focuses on having higher education institutions engaging in narrative change/truth telling about their historical legacy of exclusion and working toward changing narratives informed by limited beliefs in human hierarchy as well as in racial healing where communities can engage in trusting relationship around their common humanity. The initiative aims to center community engagement in areas connected to segregation, law, and economy. Accordingly, this faculty fellow will work with the CDO and Associate Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at UConn Health with a specific focus on addressing racism as a public health threat both at UConn and across the State of Connecticut.

General duties for this strategic area include:
1. Coordinate TRHT projects related to addressing racism as a public health threat.
2. Organize TRHT annual research showcase.
3. Support the dissemination of TRHT strategic planning templates to units.
4. Serve as a trainer for the facilitation of Rx Racial Healing Circles.
5. Participate in the assessment of UCHC related TRHT initiatives.

Application Process

Potential candidates can self-nominate but must include with their application a letter of support from their academic deans. Your letter of interest (no more than 2 pages single-spaced) should respond to the following prompts:

  1. Briefly explain which area(s) of work you are interested in and your associated relevant expertise.
  2. Beyond the scope of this program, what are some of the long-term possibilities for the work you would like to engage in related to DEIJ?
  3. What are some potential indicators of success for your participation in this program?

In addition, each nomination must be accompanied with a letter of support from the person’s respective academic dean addressing the following questions:

  1. How has this faculty member contributed to the advancement of DEI in your unit and/ or UConn more broadly?
  2. How might this faculty member benefit from participating in this leadership development opportunity
  3. Describe your support of this faculty member for the ODI Faculty Fellow program.
  4. What are some potential opportunities for supporting efforts to advance DEI that would be of benefit to your unit based on the applicant’s proposed strategic area interests?

Please note that ODI will select only one Faculty Fellow for each of the strategic areas. Both the nominee’s letter of interest and the dean’s letter of support can be emailed together (if possible, as one PDF) to Please put “Faculty Fellows” in the email subject line.

Deadline for submission of nominations: April 28th, 2023. ODI will make decisions and communicate them by May 8th, 2023.

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva: Racism in Contemporary United States

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion is pleased to announce an in-person talk by Dr. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, the James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of sociology at Duke University. He is the author of Racism without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States (2003), an influential book that changed discussion on prejudice within academia and has also served as a public intellectual who helps non-academic audiences think about the pervasiveness of racism in the United States.

Dr. Bonilla-Silva will discuss racism in the United States, as well as efforts to make universities multicultural and democratic for real. This in-person talk will be held on Tuesday, May 9th, from 4:30 to 6:00 PM at Capital Community College’s Centinel Hill Hall Auditorium (950 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103). Please RSVP here.

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April 2023 Heritage Celebrations

April 5, 2023

To the UConn Community:

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost’s Office would like to remind you of several celebrations, commemorations, and moments of raising awareness for members of our community during the month of April:

Heritage Month Celebrations:

Arab American Heritage Month: During the month of April, cultural institutions, schools, legislatures, and organizations across the country formally recognize the achievements of Arab Americans. Over 3.7 million Americans have roots tracing to 22 Arab countries across the Middle East and North Africa, representing diverse faiths, races, and languages. Efforts to honor their rich and diverse cultural heritages, as well as the many contributions they have made to American society, have been underway since 2017, when the Arab America Foundation launched Arab American Heritage Month. This year, 45 US states issued proclamations commemorating Arab American Heritage Month, as has President Biden, who in 2021 became the first US president to publicly acknowledge the celebration of Arab American Heritage. ODI and the Provost’s Office wish a happy Arab American Heritage Month to all who commemorate it!

Asian American Heritage Month: Every April, UConn commemorates Asian American Heritage Month – which is observed nationally in May – to honor the contributions Asian, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders have made to our country, our state, and our university. We believe that it is especially important to celebrate Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) members of the UConn community following the increase in identity-based harassment and violence these communities faced following the COVID-19 Pandemic. This increase in racially-based violence and harassment has a negative impact on the living, learning, and working conditions for AAPI members of our community – and, in turn, for all members of our community.

This year we honor the AAPI members of our community and are excited to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Asian and Asian American Cultural Center! For thirty years, AsACC has played an important role at UConn, providing spaces of community building for AAPI students, staff, and faculty while also raising awareness about issues the AAPI community faces. We are excited to invite the entire UConn community to a month of events hosted by AsACC. We look forward to seeing you there!

Autism Acceptance Month: UConn recognizes Autism Acceptance Month – formerly Autism Awareness Month – each April. Autistic* people make up a large segment of the population: 1 in 44 children are diagnosed with autism and there are currently over 7 million Americans from all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic standings on the autism spectrum. Autism Acceptance Month is aimed at raising awareness about the experiences and needs of autistic people, as well as ensuring that autistic people are able to achieve a high quality of life. The name has been changed from “awareness” to “acceptance” to shift away from stigmatizing language and build welcoming environments where the community’s critical needs for inclusion, connections, and support are met.

* Language preferences vary among individuals on the autism spectrum. You may wish to ask about language preferences and use the language that each individual prefers. Identity-first language is used here to affirm the understanding of autism as an integral part of identity. This language is used and encouraged by many in the autistic community. Read more about identity-first language here.

UConn seeks to ensure that autistic people and those with other forms of neurodivergence have the same access to programs, opportunities, and activities as all others. The University does this, in part, through the Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD), which is part of the nationwide Developmental Disabilities Network. UConn also supports neurodiversity through Neurodiversity at UConn, Civil and Environmental Engineering’s Research Experience for Neurodiverse Students, and the Center for Neurodiversity and Employee Innovation.

In addition, UConn supports access through the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD), which offers a variety of programs and services for students with disabilities at all campuses, including at UConn Health. CSD utilizes MyAccess, which allows students to more easily request accommodations and facilitates faculty and staff efforts to meet those accommodations. Students can get involved in Diversability, a group dedicated to creating spaces to discuss ability, disability, access, and inclusion. Faculty and staff can request OIE’s training to increase awareness and understanding of disability access and responsibilities at UConn. UConn seeks to ensure that staff and faculty with disabilities are afforded reasonable accommodations through OIE, the Human Resources department, and UConn Health’s Human Resources. UConn also offers a Certificate of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies in Public Health.

National Alcohol Awareness Month: In 1987, the National Council for Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) established April as National Alcohol Awareness Month. The purpose of this month is to raise awareness about one of the nation’s largest health issues; to reduce the social stigma associated with alcoholism; to educate people about the causes and available treatments; and to offer advice for those struggling with alcohol abuse or dependency. At UConn, we endeavor to ensure that substance use is not a barrier to academic, personal, or professional success. Please visit Student Health and Wellness’s (SHaW) Alcohol and Substance Use Support, UConn Recovery Support Services, and UConn’s Recovery Community Center for resources, trainings, and opportunities for support on your journey or to learn how you can support others on theirs. This April, we would like to remind you that no one is alone in their journey through recovery; while every journey is different, we are all in this together.

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month: Every April, UConn renews its commitment to eliminating sexual violence on our campuses, in our state, and across the country. Sexual assault, harassment, violence, and abuse can happen anywhere: in the US, nearly 1 in 5 women experience rape or attempted rape. Sexual violence disproportionately impacts women of color, Native and Indigenous women, immigrant women, LGBTQIA+ women, and disabled women. Moreover, people under the age of 30, especially college-aged individuals, face the highest rates of sexual assault, including 21% of transgender or non-binary students, 18% of female students, and 4% of male students. Ending sexual violence requires care and commitment from all of us.

The Women’s Center is committed to raising awareness about sexual violence and prevention and supporting survivors of sexual violence year-round. The Women’s Center is here for you. In particular, UConn offers education, outreach, and advocacy about sexual violence through the Women’s Center’s Violence Against Women Prevention Program. They will hold several activities this month, including “Take Back the Night” (April 19) in honor of sexual assault survivors.

ODI supports University efforts to hold accountable the individuals who commit sexual assault, violence, and harassment. We encourage you to report incidents of assault, violence, and harassment, especially through and the Office of Institutional Equity. The Dean of Students Office can assist with supportive measures for students. including academic and other concerns and modifications to class schedule—Please know that you do not have to make a formal complaint or participate in any investigative process in order to receive assistance and support. UConn employees are obligated to advise the Office of Institutional Equity if they receive a report of sexual assault; cultural center full-time employees are exempt from this, however, which means that we can support you without reporting your information (unless you request it or an incident involves a minor).

You can find more resources through the Title IX Office and Responding to Student Disclosures of Sexual Violence. You may also find information on the President’s Task Force on Combating Sexual Violence on the President’s website.

Cultural and Federal Holidays:

Autism Awareness Day (April 2nd): World Autism Awareness Day highlights the need to improve the quality of life for autistic* people. This year’s observance highlights the contributions of autistic people at home, at work, in the arts, and in policymaking. Autism usually manifests during early childhood and presents on a spectrum of behaviors and abilities. The autism spectrum refers to a range of neurological variations that may present as challenges related to social interactions, communication, and sensory processing. Recent research has also found autism to be associated with strengths such as pattern identification, systems thinking, and attention to detail. UConn celebrates the members of our communities who present on the autism spectrum; we recognize the power of neurodiversity. To learn more about autism, as well as UConn’s support systems and communities for neurodivergent individuals, please visit Neurodiversity at UConn.

* Language preferences vary among individuals on the autism spectrum. You may wish to ask about language preferences and use the language that each individual prefers. Identity-first language is used here to affirm the understanding of autism as an integral part of identity. This language is used and encouraged by many in the autistic community. Read more about identity-first language here.

Yom HaShoah / Holocaust Remembrance Day (April 17th – 18th): Yom HaShoah is an annual day of remembrance for the approximately six million Jewish people who were systematically murdered during the Holocaust. Though originally established by the Israeli government, Yom HaShoah is commemorated around the world. In North America, Jewish communities typically hold synagogue services, communal vigils, and educational programs that explain the horrors of the Holocaust and renew our vows to never let such violence happen again. This year, Judaic Studies will hold a talk at Stamford called “‘Eli’s Story’: A Holocaust Remembrance Lecture featuring Meri-Jane Rochelson” (Tuesday, 4/18, 5:30 – 7:00 PM; streaming available). UConn Hillel will also hold a “Remembering the Shoah” talk featuring Holocaust survivor, Nina Jacobs, and opening remarks by Connecticut Attorney General William Tong (Tuesday, 4/18, 4:15 – 7:00 PM).

Earth Day (April 22): April 22nd marks the anniversary of the 1970 founding of the modern environmental movement. Discussions about the environment began with the 1962 publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Springs, which raised awareness about the impacts of pollution. Following the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill, Senators Gaylord Nelson and Pete McCloskey, along with activist Denis Hayes, organized the first-ever Earth Day, which led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and several environmental protection laws. This year’s Earth Day theme is Invest in Our Planet, which aims to persuade citizens, governments, and businesses of the need to invest in our planet, improve our environment, and give our descendants a better future. UConn celebrates Earth Day through Spring Fling, an annual celebration of sustainability co-sponsored by the Office of Sustainability and Department of Dining Services.

Religious Holidays:

Easter (April 9): Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is preceded by a holy week between Palm Sunday (April 2) and Easter Sunday, which includes Good Friday. Festivities typically include a special church service, music, flowers, and ringing of church bells.

Eid al-Fitr (April 21st – 22nd): Eid al-Fitr is one of two major feasts Muslims celebrate each year. Translated as “the festival of breaking the fast,” it marks the end of Ramadan. After a month of fasting during Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr is seen as a spiritual celebration of Allah’s provision of strength and endurance. Traditions vary from place to place, but might include special morning prayers, exchanging gifts, and giving to those in need. This year, UConn will be holding an Eid celebration on Wednesday, 4/26, from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. See AsACC’s website for more information and to RSVP.

Lent (February 22nd – April 6th in Western Churches, February 27th – April 15th in Eastern and Orthodox Churches): In Christianity, Lent is a liturgical season prior to Easter. Though mostly associated with Catholics, Lent is celebrated by members of Protestant and Eastern Orthodox Churches. Generally, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation celebrating Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead.

Orthodox Easter (April 16): The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ by Orthodox Christians, especially in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Lebanon, the Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, and Russia.

Passover (April 5th – April 13th): Passover, also known as Pesach, celebrates the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt. It commemorates the struggle for freedom from bondage. Members of the Jewish community all over the world observe Passover by hosting seder meals. UConn events include Passover at Chabad. UConn Hillel will also be hosting two Seder meals this year: a traditional Passover Seder on Wednesday, 4/5, at 6:00 PM at Hillel House and a Teaching Seder on Thursday, 4/6, at 6:00 PM in the Husky Suite at the Student Recreation Center. Everyone is welcome to attend! Please RSVP here.

Ramadan (March 22nd – April 20th): A holy month for Muslims that is used for spiritual reflection and growth, for helping those in need, and spending time with loved ones. Ramadan is a moveable holiday, beginning and ending with the crescent moon during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims around the world typically observe a fast during daylight hours. UConn Dining at Storrs will have specially prepared meals and will set up a station for students to collect those meals after sundown. Both South and Towers Dining Halls will be open late for Iftar. Members of the UConn Health community can participate in Friday prayers at Interfaith Murray-Heilig Chapel, located on the M-level in University Tower at John Dempsey Hospital.

Vaisakhi (April 14): This holiday marks the start of the Punjabi New Year and also celebrates the year (1699) when Sikhism was established as a formal order by Guru Gobind Singh. The day is observed by temple worship, feasting and dancing.

We welcome the celebration of each of these holidays on our campuses and encourage support for those requiring accommodations. You can find information and guidance about academic accommodations for religious observations on the Provost Office’s webpage.

To see more information about resources and events happening this month and throughout the semester, please visit our events page at ODI writes these letters in collaboration with our partners across the UConn system. If we inadvertently omitted a cultural or religious holiday, please let us know by emailing us at


Frank, Anne, and Jeff

Frank Tuitt
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

Anne D’Alleva
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Jeffrey F. Hines, MD
Associate Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, UConn Health

TRHT Graduate Student Counternarratives Event (Thursday, 4/6/23)

In this session UConn Graduate Students will share counternarratives on their individual and collective lived experiences both in and outside of the classroom related to the impact of race in higher education, and specifically graduate education.

According to Lee Anne Bell (2003), counternarratives can help us learn about race and racism by helping us become more conscious of historical and current realities by interrupting common notions that prevent movement toward democratic and inclusive communities. Specifically, she argues that counternarratives can serve as a tool for developing a more critical race consciousness about social relations in historically white institutions (HWIs).

This in-person event will be held on Thursday, April 6, from 2:00 to 3:30 in the Class of '47 Room of the UConn Library. RSVP is required; please RSVP here.

March Email From Student Affairs

March 24, 2023

Dear Huskies,

The coming month is one of significance for many members of our community in their faith practices, including the observances of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, and Passover. As these holidays approach, we are sharing resources and reminders to promote awareness of these observances and their potential effects on your activities.

We believe that meaningful inclusion plays a critical role in the well-being of all members of the UConn community. In accordance with this mission, faculty and staff have been advised to take dates of religious holidays into consideration when planning events or setting academic deadlines. The Provost’s Office, in partnership with the Office for Institutional Equity, Office for Diversity and Inclusion, and the Dean of Students Office has created a webpage that includes information on key religious observances this academic year. It also includes links to UConn’s policy on religious accommodations for students, faculty and staff, as well as resources to learn more about individual holidays. Please click here to visit the Religious Observances webpage. If you notice a religious holiday that is not included on this webpage, please contact

We are grateful for our colleagues in Dining Services as they work to support students with dietary needs related to religious practices. More information about how to access meals during Ramadan or Passover can be found on the Dining Services website.

As a reminder, faculty and instructors are expected to reasonably accommodate individual religious practices unless doing so would result in fundamental alteration of class objectives or undue hardship to the University’s legitimate business purposes. Such accommodations may include rescheduling an exam or giving a make-up exam, allowing a presentation to be made on a different date or assigning the student appropriate make-up work that is intrinsically no more difficult than the original assignment. Students are responsible for making arrangements in advance to make up missed work. Students are also responsible for identifying potential conflicts with final examinations; request for rescheduling of finals should be submitted to the Dean of Students Office using the online form.

Your attention to these observances and accommodations is an important part of supporting our University’s commitment to building and maintaining a welcoming and inclusive learning and work environment. Your faith, religion, beliefs, and celebrations matter to us!



Pam Schipani
Interim Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs

Fany DeJesus Hannon
Interim Dean of Students

Campus Food Pantry to Open Monday, March 20th

March 23, 2023

STORRS, Conn. – Propelled by the success of food pantries at each of the regional campuses, Husky Harvest at UConn’s main campus in Storrs will open Monday for thousands of students without a meal plan and without a full cupboard.

While the pantry will be available to anyone with a UConn ID, it is geared to those living off-campus who are not required to have a meal plan and therefore may not have regular access to nutritious food, Michael White, executive director of Dining Services, says. That includes 2,000 undergraduate students who live in places like the Carriage House Town Homes and Celeron Square apartments.

White says the first step to establishing the pantry was finding a location that was central to campus, had patron parking, and offered some level of discreetness. Almost fortuitously, the 600-square-foot former convenience store in the Charter Oak Apartments Community Center popped onto the radar.

With a bus stop not far from the front door and located just off Discovery Drive, the space also was ideal because students who live in the Charter Oak Apartments aren’t required to have meal plans and might very well be among those who would benefit the most.

“We wanted a location that would service not only the undergraduate population, but the graduate students, faculty, staff, essentially anyone with a UConn ID,” White says. “That had a lot to do with how we talked about locations.”

A grand opening of the Storrs location for invited guests and the media will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, March 20, at the pantry in the Charter Oak Apartments Community Center, 916 Tower Court Road, Storrs. Regular hours will be Mondays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Husky Harvest at Storrs will operate in much the same way as the Husky Harvest pantries at the regional campuses that have opened over the last several months. A partnership with Connecticut Foodshare is enabling the venture and providing grocery staples with regular deliveries.

White says he’s borrowing ideas from experiences at the regional campuses, including Avery Point, where staff has made available simple recipes that account for ingredients typically found on the shelves, like stewed tomatoes and beans. In Stamford, Husky Harvest offers personal care items, including shampoo and deodorant, another offering White hopes to have with funding from the Undergraduate Student Government.

“I don’t want to get into the scenario – and I know it happens in life – that someone has to decide between putting food on their plate and taking a shower,” White says. “That’s a very challenging decision for anybody to make. Just being able to take a shower sometimes can really reset your wellbeing.”

Eventually, he says he expects to take donations from the public but plans to operate this semester solely with Connecticut Foodshare support. In time, though, he can see departmental food drives, a kitchen equipment and gadget collection, and leftovers from the cafes all earmarked for pantry patrons.

“This is no longer a topic that people are afraid of,” White says. “We know that the UConn community will go above and beyond.”

Contributions to the UConn Storrs Campus Food Insecurity Fund at the UConn Foundation can be made online. Visit the pantry’s website for more details.

Questions about Husky Harvest can be directed to Kimberly Phillips,

Reminder on Religious Observances and Academic Accommodations

Dear Colleagues,

The coming month is one of significance for many members of our community in their religious practices, including the observances of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, Passover, and Easter. As these holidays approach, we are sharing resources and reminders with the community to promote awareness of these observances and their potential effects on the academic activities of our students.

We believe that meaningful inclusion plays a critical role in the well-being of all members of the UConn community. In accordance with this mission, we advise faculty and staff to take dates of religious holidays into consideration when planning events or setting academic deadlines. The Provost’s Office, in partnership with the Office for Institutional Equity, Office for Diversity and Inclusion, and the Dean of Students Office, has created a webpage that includes information on key religious observances this academic year. It also includes links to UConn’s policy on religious accommodations for students, faculty and staff, as well as resources to learn more about individual holidays. Please click here to visit the Religious Observances webpage. If you notice a religious holiday that is not included on this webpage, please contact

As a reminder, faculty and instructors are expected reasonably to accommodate individual religious practices unless doing so would result in fundamental alteration of class objectives or undue hardship to the University’s legitimate business purposes. Such accommodations may include rescheduling an exam or giving a make-up exam, allowing a presentation to be made on a different date or assigning the student appropriate make-up work that is intrinsically no more difficult than the original assignment.

Students are responsible for making arrangements in advance to make up missed work. Students are also responsible for identifying potential conflicts with final examinations and must contact the Dean of Students Office for accommodations for final examinations.

Your attention to these observances and accommodations is an important part of supporting our University’s commitment to building and maintaining a welcoming and inclusive learning and work environment.


Jeffrey S. Shoulson, Ph.D.

Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs