The University of Connecticut School of Business is proud to present the EQUITY NOW Speaker Series, featuring expert insights on how law and policy can promote diversity, equity, and fairness in organizations and society.
We invite you to join us on Monday, November 14, at 6 p.m. ET, for "Legislative Momentum and Disparities by State: The Midterm Election’s Impact on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," a talk by Jehan El-Jourbagy (Associate Professor of Business Law & Ethics, Georgia College) and Joanna Schwartz (Professor of Marketing, Georgia College).
With recent United States Supreme Court decisions increasingly deferential to state’s rights, driving across state lines can result in being treated very differently in regard to a number of important personal rights. From access to abortion and marijuana to the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, those living in the United States may be subject to a different reality depending on their zip code. Using maps, recent court cases, and results from the November election, the speakers will address the impact of states taking the lead on defining the rights of individuals, resulting in a scattershot approach to employment laws, discrimination in the workplace, and legal treatment of personal rights.
You can register for this online event here. For more information about the series, please contact Robert Bird, Professor of Business Law and Eversource Energy Chair in Business Ethics, at robert.bird@uconn.edu.