VAMP Veterans Day Ceremony (11/11)

October 31, 2022

Veterans Day

The Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs (VAMP) invites the UConn Community to a ceremony honoring veterans of the United States Armed Forces.

This event will be held on November 11th, at 11:00 AM in front of the Ultimate Sacrifice Memorial (at the University Flagpoles across from Wilbur Cross). If it rains, VAMP will hold the event in the Wilbur Cross Reading Room. All are invited to join.

If you have any questions, please email

What’s Happening in Iran? (11/2)

What's Happening in Iran?

Join the the Middle Eastern Cultural Programs (MECP) for tea, cookies, and a discussion to learn about the fight for freedom and human rights in Iran and what you can do to help.

This in-person event will be on Wednesday, November 2, from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. It will be held in the ODI Commons (SU 103).

AACC Meet the Faculty: Dr. Blackman Carr of the RENEW Lab (11/11)

October 26, 2022

Dr. Blackman Carr

Come to the AACC on Friday, 11/11, from 2:00 - 3:30 to meet Dr. Blackman Carr from Department of Nutritional Resources!

Dr. Blackman Carr leads the Reaching Equity in Nutrition, Exercise & Weight (R.E.N.E.W.) Lab, which develops weight control interventions to treat high weight and improve health, especially for Black women.

She welcomes undergrad students enrolled at UConn who are interested in gaining research experience in obesity and intervention research. Her expertise is in behavioral weight control and involves developing more effective interventions for Black women.

This in-person event will be held on Friday, 11/11, from 2:00 - 3:30 PM in the AACC Community Room (SU 407). Refreshments will be served!

Women’s Center 50th: Melissa Harris-Perry (11/4)

October 24, 2022


The Women’s Center 50th invites you to come celebrate its 50th Anniversary with Melissa Harris Perry.

Professor Melissa Harris-Perry is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake Forest University where she teaches courses on American politics and elections at the intersections of race, place, and gender. She is the founder and President of the Anna Julia Cooper Center, an independent organization with a mission to advance justice and alleviate harm for women and girls of color in American higher education. Along with Dorian Warren, she is co-host of the podcast System Check, with The Nation.

For nearly two decades, Harris-Perry has contributed to American public life through her distinct combination of scholarly analysis and grounded wisdom applied to analysis of race, gender, politics, and power. She hosted the award winning television show “Melissa Harris-Perry” from 2012-2016 on weekend mornings on MSNBC and in 2016, won the Hillman Prize for broadcast journalism.

This hybrid event will be held on Friday, 11/4, at 7:00 PM at the Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts, immediately followed by a reception at the Alumni Center. Guests can watch the keynote virtually via livestream or in-person.These and other anniversary events are free, but RSVP is required.

Malka Penn Award for Human Rights in Children’s Literature (11/5)


The 2022 Malka Penn Award will be presented to author Wade Hudson on November 1, 2022 in the Dodd Center for Human Rights. Hudson will speak about his career, the inspiration behind his memoir Defiant: Growing Up in the Jim Crow South, and the founding of his and wife Cheryl Hudson's publishing outlet Just Us Books. Following the ceremony will be a reception with light refreshments, copies of the winning book available for purchase, and time reserved for book signings by the author.

The Malka Penn Award is given annually to the author of an outstanding children’s book addressing human rights issues or themes such as discrimination, equity, poverty, justice, war, peace, slavery or freedom. Named in honor of author Michele Palmer, who writes under the pseudonym Malka Penn, the award recognizes works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, memoir, or biography which are written for children from preschool to high school. Within these larger themes, the award committee is particularly eager to recognize stories about individuals – real or fictional, children or adults – who have been affected by social injustices, and who, by confronting them, have made a difference in their lives or the lives of others.

This in-person event will be held on in the Dodd Center's Konover Auditorium on Tuesday, November 1, from 5:00 to 6:00 PM with a book signing and reception to follow. Click here to register.

Equity Now: The Midterm Election’s Impact on DEI (11/14)

Equity Now

The University of Connecticut School of Business is proud to present the EQUITY NOW Speaker Series, featuring expert insights on how law and policy can promote diversity, equity, and fairness in organizations and society.

We invite you to join us on Monday, November 14, at 6 p.m. ET, for "Legislative Momentum and Disparities by State: The Midterm Election’s Impact on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," a talk by Jehan El-Jourbagy (Associate Professor of Business Law & Ethics, Georgia College) and Joanna Schwartz (Professor of Marketing, Georgia College).

With recent United States Supreme Court decisions increasingly deferential to state’s rights, driving across state lines can result in being treated very differently in regard to a number of important personal rights. From access to abortion and marijuana to the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, those living in the United States may be subject to a different reality depending on their zip code. Using maps, recent court cases, and results from the November election, the speakers will address the impact of states taking the lead on defining the rights of individuals, resulting in a scattershot approach to employment laws, discrimination in the workplace, and legal treatment of personal rights.

You can register for this online event here. For more information about the series, please contact Robert Bird, Professor of Business Law and Eversource Energy Chair in Business Ethics, at

representASIAN in Sports & Games- Boston (11/5)


The UConn Asian American Alumni Association (UConn4A) and the UConn Asian American Cultural Center (AsACC) are so excited to announce that they will be hosting an in-person event in Boston, MA!

Come meet the Boston Hurricanes, a 9-man volleyball team, enjoy refreshments from local Asian restaurants, and play games of Asian origin with the alumni community!

This event is open to families and guests as well!

When: Saturday Nov. 5th at 5pm
Where: Pao Arts Center - 99 Albany Ave. Boston, MA
Cost: $5

See the Alumni webpage for more information and to buy tickets.

“My Life After Hate,” an Evening with Arno Michaelis (11/8)

October 19, 2022

Arno Michaelis

Phi Sigma Alpha, the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, and UConn Hillel invite you to "My Life AFter Hate," an evening with Arno Michaelis.

Arno Michaelis will share how compassion helped him transform from skinhead to peacemaker and member of The Forgiveness Project. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Arno was a founding member of a notorious worldwide racist skinhead organization, a reverend of a self-declared racial holy war, and frontman of the hate-metal band Centurion, which sold 20,000 CDs by the mid-nineties and is still popular with racists today.

Single parenthood, love for his daughter, and the forgiveness shown by people he once hated all helped to turn Arno's life around, bringing him to embrace diversity and practice gratitude for all life. After spending over a decade as a successful information technology consultant and entrepreneur, Arno is now a speaker, author of My Life After Hate, and very fortunate to be able to share his ongoing process of character development with the world in an effort to counter the cycle of violence he once fueled.

This in-person event will be held on Tuesday, 11/8, at 8:00 PM in the ODI Commons. Please RSVP here.

Motivational Interviewing Core Skills Training (11/2)

UConn Student Health and Wellness (SHaW) is delighted to bring national speaker and trainer Amaura Kemmerer to campus for a special presentation titled “Cultivating a Culture of Care.” Amaura will draw upon her background in mental health, prevention, and wellness in higher education to connect the spirit and skills of Motivational Interviewing (MI) to our varying roles in supporting our student community and one another.

MI is an evidence-based approach to facilitating positive change that has been applied extensively in higher education to enhance student learning, and strengthen student engagement with advising and other forms of support. This training has been designed to both welcome those new to MI and offer new perspectives for more experienced practitioners.

The session and accompanying lunch will be limited to 50 participants, and will offer opportunities to discuss connections to our work as well as ways to collaboratively apply these skills to maximize the impact for our community.

This in-person event will be held on Wednesday, 11/2, from 12:00 to 3:00 PM in the Husky Suite of the Student Recreation Center. Please RSVP here.

Out to Lunch Series: Transgender Healthcare Equity

Out to Lunch

The Rainbow Center invites you to attend the Out To Lunch Gender, Sexuality, and Community Lectures Series (OTL Lecture Series). The OTL Lecture Series is an academic lecture and discussion series with guest scholars and community activists from various disciplines examining a variety of topics related to gender identity, gender expression and sexuality.

Join us for a lecture led by Christy Anderson, M.D., (She/Her/Hers), "Transgender Healthcare Equity: Current Barriers to Transgender Healthcare in the USA."

2021 surpasses all prior years on record as the year with the most anti-trans legislation introduced into the legislature (HRC). House representatives in states such as Idaho have passed bills criminalizing the provision of gender-affirming healthcare to transgender youth– and aiding them to cross state lines to seek healthcare (The Guardian). Aim 2. will reinforce the necessity of access to transgender healthcare and explain the stances of current medical organizations endorsing such equitable access, Aim 3 will explore examples of other such laws, and Aim 4 will explore ways that the audience can interact with various communities to advocate for their GM friends, family and peers.

This in-person event will be held on Thursday, October 27th, from 12:30 to 1:30 PM in the Rainbow Center Lounge (SU 403).