Werth Talk: “Unleash the Present Voice of Future Female Founders” (10/28)

October 19, 2022

Female Founders

The Werth Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation invites you to "How to Unleash the Present Voice of Future Female Founders – and Why It Matters," a talk by Dory Grandia, Associate Director of the Erasmus University Center for Women and Organizations in the Netherlands.

The world needs more female-led initiatives. And leading change isn’t easy – it takes a willingness to risk rejection and overcome challenges. But how do you project confidence that you can do something if you haven’t even tried to do it yet? In this short workshop, we’ll briefly explore the effect of gender bias on society and economy and why female leadership and entrepreneurship matters. Then we’ll learn and practice simple tools to build a confident presence and deliver engaging communication.

This in-person talk will be held on Friday, 10/28, from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Wilbur Cross North Reading Room. Please RSVP by Tuesday, 10/25.


Art Sale to Benefit Diversity in Nursing (10/21-10/23)

Nursing Fundraiser

The Future Nurses of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (FNDEI) Student Organization is collaborating with local artists during Family Weekend, October 21st through the 23rd, to host a fundraiser. This is in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of PRLACC and the Women's Center. The funds raised from the sale of artwork will go toward supporting nursing scholarships.

Please come join us at the Student Union. We are also hosting a band that will play at 11am and at 1pm on the lawn outside of the Student Union.

NADOHE Webinar: Race in Admissions (10/20, 11/21)

Race in Admission

Registration is still open for both parts of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE) webinar series: Challenges to Race in Higher Education Admissions: Understanding the Issues before the SCOTUS and Institutional Readiness. The series will address key issues associated with the U.S. Supreme Court’s upcoming consideration of the SFFA v. Harvard and SFFA v. UNC cases, in which higher education’s ability to continue to consider race in admissions has been challenged.

Our presenter is Art Coleman, managing partner and co-founder of EducationCounsel LLC. NADOHE board member Caroline Laguerre-Brown, J.D., vice provost for diversity, equity and community engagement at the George Washington University, will moderate.

This virtual series will be held on two days.  Part One will be held on Thursday, October 20, from 1:00 - 2:30 PM. RSVP here. Part two will be held on November 21, from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM. RSVP for part two here.

Rainbow Center “Out to Lunch” series: Sex Without Sin (10/20)

The Rainbow Center invites you to attend the Out To Lunch Gender, Sexuality, and Community Lectures Series (OTL Lecture Series). The OTL Lecture Series is an academic lecture and discussion series with guest scholars and community activists from various disciplines examining a variety of topics related to gender identity, gender expression and sexuality.

Join us for a lecture led by Alberto Cifuentes Jr. where they will educate us about their research "Sex without Sin: A Qualitative Study of the Impact of Stigma on the Sexual Health and Substance Use Outcomes of Internet-based Cisgender Male Sex Workers Who Have Sex with Men."

This in-person event will be held in Rainbow Center (SU 403) from 12:30 to 1:30 on Thursday, October 20.

Exploring Goals & Options for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing HS Students (10/20)

October 17, 2022

Husky Time

This half-day program is designated for Deaf / Hard of Hearing high school students to explore their future goals and options.


  • Take a tour of the Student Center, dorm rooms, book store, library, gym classrooms and more!
  • Meet students who will tell their stories about their experiences and answer any questions.
  • Eat lunch in the Student Center food court or a cafeteria with UConn students.
  • Meet world renowned professors who research ASL and international sign languages.
  • Meet our program coordinator, who will explain your rights in college and showcase the technology options available at the college you choose to attend.
  • HUSKY TIME is a FREE program, offered by The University of Connecticut Interpreting & Communication Access (UCIS) division.

INTERESTED? Have your school counselor and/or staff contact Colleen from UCIS at: colleen.hajdasz@uconn.edu

Asian Americanist Perspectives in Student Mental Health (10/20)

AsACC Mental Health

Several years of pandemic education has revealed and intensified mental health issues for all students. Despite greater attention to student needs, the conventional wisdom around mental health has reinforced practices of toxic positivity as well as harmful racial stereotypes connected to academic performance, emotional regulation, and coping with stress. Asian American studies scholars and practitioners have addressed these problems long before the onset of the pandemic and their insights have great significance for understanding and supporting the needs of all students.

On Thursday, October 20, the Asian and Asian American Studies Institute and the Asian American Cultural Center will be hosting a day-long event to discuss these concerns. From 9:30 - 11:00 AM, we will be holding a panel discussion with a panel discussion with our invited scholars and practitioners. This space will be for faculty and staff. Since space is limited we ask that you RSVP to reserve your spot.

From 1:00 - 5:00 PM, each of our guests will be hosting a 45-minute workshop for students.

This in-person event will be held on Thursday, October 2o, in the Student Union Ballroom (Rm 331). It will also be livestreamed if you are unable to make it to campus. RSVP here for the 9:30 - 11:00 AM faculty and staff panel.

Information on the Panelists:

Lawrence-Minh Bùi Davis, PhD is a guest on the traditional territories of the Piscataway Nation. As Curator of Asian Pacific American Studies at the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, he oversees the Smithsonian Literature + Museum Initiative, devoted to rethinking collective responsibility for what we write and read, and why. He is lead organizer for the Asian American Literature Festival, co-founder of the Center for Refugee Poetics, and co-founding Director of the arts anti-profit The Asian American Literary Review. He is currently ranked as the 9th best ice cream maker in human history.

Mimi Khúc is a writer, scholar, and teacher of things unwell. She is the creator of Open in Emergency and the Asian American Tarot. Her forthcoming book, dear elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss (Duke University Press), is a creative-critical, genre-bending deep dive into the shapes of Asian American unwellness at the intersections of ableism, model minorization, and the university.

James Kyung-Jin Lee is Professor of Asian American Studies and English and the Director of the Center for Medical Humanities at UC Irvine. He is the author of Pedagogies of Woundedness: Illness, Memoir, and the Ends of the Model Minority (Temple UP, 2022) and Urban Triage: Race and the Fictions of Multiculturalism (U of Minnesota P, 2004).

Erin Khuê Ninh is an associate professor in Asian American Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She writes about the model minority as racialization and subject formation (not myth). Her first book, Ingratitude: The Debt-Bound Daughter in Asian American Literature (awarded Best Literary Criticism by AAAS), centers on intergenerational conflict in immigrant families. Along with Shireen Roshanravan, she edited #WeToo: A Reader, a special issue on sexual violence for the Journal of Asian American Studies (awarded "Best Public Intellectual Special Issue” by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals)

Dr. Amanda Waters is dedicated to the advancement of health equity and community well-being. As a clinical psychologist and consultant, she works toward making the world more loving, just, and connected through her efforts in nonprofits and institutions of higher education. She also serves on the boards of the Asian American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Association's Division 35, Section 5 (Psychology of Asian Pacific American Women). She loves eating chocolate chip cookies and being around water to de-stress and re-center.

“We Are Not Ok”Book Talk and Wellness Workshop (10/19)

We're Not OK event

The African American Cultural Center (AACC), UConn Library, and UConn Hartford invite faculty and staff to an in-person book talk and wellness workshop. This event will focus on Antija M. Allen and Justin T. Stewart’s We’re Not OK: Black Faculty Experiences and Higher Education Strategies.

This in-person event will be held on Wednesday, October 19, 4:00pm – 6:00pm in Hartford Public Library’s Center for Contemporary Cultures Room (500 Main Street). RSVP is required.