2-day NAIS Symposium

March 23, 2022


2-day NAIS Symposium
The 2-day NAIS symposium will happen on April 13-14. This includes film screenings and panels, and Professor Sandy Grande will be offering a workshop titled "Red Praxis: Teaching Against Empire."
For questions please email: bhakti.shringarpure@uconn.edu 

Run for Refugees: 5k Run/Walk to support Immigrants and Refugees

March 22, 2022

Updated RFR Flyer

In a year of multiple global refugee crises -- including in Afghanistan and Ukraine -- Middle Eastern Cultural Programs has teamed up with Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services (IRIS) to organize a UConn-specific version of their annual Run for Refugees.

The run will be taking place on the Storrs campus on April 9th, 2022 at 3:30pm, and can be completed either as a run or as a walk depending on each person's comfort level.

We hope to have as many students, faculty, and community members show up in solidarity, particularly in light of last fall's developments in Afghanistan and this year's ongoing events in Ukraine.

ODI ListServ Submission

March 16, 2022

ODI ListServ Submission

We would love to share your DEIJ-related events, courses, initiatives, or opportunities via our ODI listserv! Please use the form below to make your submission. This listServ will be shared with our ODI Partners every Monday at 5:30 PM. If you have any questions or concerns please email diversity@uconn.edu with the subject ODI Listserv.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time of event/course/initiative/opportunity:
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Thriving in a Time of Turmoil – CADE Spring Convening

March 15, 2022


Come join colleagues from the Commission on Access, Success, and Excellence (CADE) for a Virtual Spring Convening titled, Thriving in a Time of Turmoil on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, from 2-4 pm EST.  This session offers a keynote highlighting research on Shared Equity Leadership followed by a panel of senior leaders representing various institutional types who will offer lessons learned, promising practices and insights regarding the Pandemic’s Impact on Student Equity.  After the panel, there will be breakout room discussions and the session will end with highlights and learning-related sharing from participants.

Title: Thriving in a Time of Turmoil

Date: March 23

Time: 2:00-4:00 pm (Eastern)

Registration: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpf-qurj4pGdBNCKlqaFYhJm4kQDd6DUqr  (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.)

Agenda Outline (more complete agenda to follow):

  • Keynote: Dr. Elizabeth Holcombe, Shared Equity Leadership: Building Institutional Capacity
  • Panel Discussion: Impacts of the Pandemic on Student Equity – Sharing Insights and Lessons Learned from different campus leaders
  • Breakout room discussions facilitated by CADE members to share and gather examples of learning from the Pandemic

We look forward to seeing you!

The Pandemic of Castes: A Talk by Dr. S. Anandhi

Pandemic of Castes

The Department of Sociology invites you to a talk on The Pandemic of Castes by Dr. S. Anandhi, Professor at Madras Institute of Development Studies, India and author of Dalit Women: Vanguard of an AlternativePolitics in India (Routledge, 2019).

This virtual talk will be held on Friday, March 25th at 10:00 AM.

 Join the WebEx: https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m707bc563bf7cb393b7d4ab2af151981f

19th Annual New England Latinx Student Leadership Conference

March 10, 2022

LxSLC Conference Flyer

The Puerto Rican / Latin American Cultural Center (PRLACC) invites Latinx faculty, staff, and students at UConn to participate in the 19th annual NASPA New England Latinx/a/o Student Leadership Conference.

The goal of this conference is to help Latinx students network, strengthen their leadership skills, and prepare for post-graduation life.  The theme of this year’s conference is “Embracing the Vision,” and will focus on diversity, community, and self-empowerment.

The goals of this year’s conference are to:

  1. Increase advocacy and action within participant’s own local communities
  2. Acknowledge the intersectionality between various identities and their impact on society
  3. Recognize cultural wealth as a source of strength for individuals to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around them

Due to unforeseen circumstances, this year's conference has unfortunately been cancelled. 



Combatting Sexual Assault & Bias Action Group Update

March 9, 2022

Hi there, Huskies,

Thank goodness for the upcoming break. This one is so well deserved, and I wish you all fun, good health, and REST!

First (queue up Queen’s classic hit, “We Are the Champions”), WINNING seems to be a theme this week. ROCK ON basketball, UConn Equestrian, track, Biochem midterms, internships applications, O-Chem labs … all of you faced challenges over the course of the past week.

Midterms are hard. The Big East is hard. COVID is hard.  Yet all of you are finding your way to success.  As a friend at the Graduate School often says, success is rarely a straight line. We zig, we zag, but we get there nonetheless.

In the meantime, I’ve been in meetings. A few highlights:

Task Force for Combating Sexual Violence and Supporting our Students: We had our first meeting last week. We reviewed all relevant policies as well as important past work on this subject. The Task Force website is live and will include information from past meetings.

Bias Action Group: This incredible group of students, faculty, and staff met for the first time on Monday. This group is working towards its purpose of reviewing incidents and determining opportunities for increased dialogue on campus. Dr. Tuitt and I are grateful to the members of the group for their insight and guidance in identifying opportunities for our community to address hate and develop trust at UConn.  On a more immediate note, members were struck by the InForm site that was created and encouraged me to make it more broadly available to students.  Check it out.

This works matter and it will be impactful.  I hope you all know that these groups are filled with members of the University community who care deeply for all of you and for UConn.  What is abundantly clear to all of us is the work that needs to be done to regain trust, address harm, and restore UConn as a community that cares for the well-being of all of our students.

I wish you all a healthy and happy break. COVID tests are available to you at the Student Union on the Storrs campus and on each of the regional campuses before and after break. Please remember that it is important to test when ill and observe a period of isolation regardless of your vaccination status.  If you test positive using an at-home or outside lab test, please upload your positive test results to the SHaW patient portal.

Be well, Huskies. I’m looking forward to seeing you back on campus.

Eleanor JB Daugherty, EdD
Associate Vice President and Dean of Students

Real Talk with Ron Acrum, “Keep on Moving”

March 7, 2022

Real Talk, Ron Acrum

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion is pleased to announce guest speaker Ron Arcum (UConn Alumnus 1972), who will be giving a talk "Keep on Moving."

Join us for a 60-minute discussion as Ron shares his background in helping people find the right fit. Referred to as a "creative problem solver," "thoughtful listener," "strategic thinker," Ron will share his personal story, professional career and discuss his latest book, "Keep On Moving - My Journey In The Fourth Quarter."

This virtual event will be held on Monday, March 7, 2022, at 6:00 PM.

This event is sponsored by the Justice Now Initiative of USG. It is co-sponsored by the Women's Center, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, and the Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies program.

*Real Talk is a mini-series presented by the UConn African American Alumni Council featuring thought provoking speakers on life changing topics.

Participatory Action Research with & for Undocumented Students

“Participatory Action Research with & for Undocumented Students: Creating Spaces for Transformation in Higher Education”

The talk titled “Participatory Action Research with & for Undocumented Students: Creating Spaces for Transformation in Higher Education” and will take place Thursday, March 24th 2:00pm-3:15pm ET via WebEx. Attached is a flyer, that includes an RSVP link.


Also, there will be a Student Q&A session (for UConn students) that will be held during Dr. Stewart’s Equity and Inclusion class (in person) on Tuesday, March 29th 11:00am-12:15pm (and will be via WebEx as well). This is an opportunity for you to ask Dr. Salazar about their research, career, or anything else.